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< rcurtin> Suryo: the thing is, CNE takes forever to actually run and it's a bit flaky. so I don't have a problem testing with CNE so long as the test time doesn't take too long (like hopefully only a handful of seconds) and the tests are reliable with different random seeds
< rcurtin> when I say it's flaky, I only mean that it is not guaranteed to actually get to the minimum reliably (because initial conditions and random new point selection, etc.)
< zoq> I think the idea right now is to test with CNE locally and later test the functions against PSO?
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< mlJens> Hi. Just a question. Is there still a fix for the convolution model?
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< Suryo> rcurtin: yeah I understand this. So that's why I'm selecting the initial points close to the global optima. I mean, it defeats the purpose of testing the optimizers by a lot, but for what it's worth, I want to test the functions as much as possible before resuming the actual development with PSO.
< rcurtin> Suryo: got it---sounds good to me
< Suryo> Thanks for the affirmation. I'll get with it.
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< rcurtin> :)
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< robertoh1eso> Hi! I'm working on the implementation of I've implemented KDE Monte Carlo summation for single trees but I can't get it to comply with the relative error tolerance in any case after many tests.
< robertoh1eso> Maybe I missunderstood the paper, but although it gets really close, it always exceeds relative error and I was wondering if it's supossed to comply. Take into account that I haven't implemented PCA trees yet, only summation.
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< Suryo> zoq: don't worry, I think I figured it out.
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< Suryo> zoq: all the new tests for the new functions have passed. Waiting on your review, overall. I'll look into the code styling in a bit. Hoping to merge soon!
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< rcurtin> robertohueso: it's a little late here now but I'll take a look at the paper closely tomorrow afternoon (I am busy in the morning) and let you know what I think
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< favre49> zoq: I'm sorry but my progress might be a bit slow for the next couple of days since I've fallen quite ill. I should be fine in a few days though, and I'll still be coding, probably just less.
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< rcurtin> favre49: get some rest! I hope you feel better soon :)
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #344: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 51 min:
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< mlJens> Hi. I wanted to ask, if there is still a fix for the convolutional model available ==>
< robertoh1eso> rcurtin: Thanks! :)
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< toshal> zoq: Sorry, For the late reply. Yes we can give it more try.
< toshal> I would resent the mail.
< toshal> will*
< zoq> favre49: No worries, health always comes first.
< zoq> mlJens: Not sure I get what you mean.
< zoq> Suryo: Great, will take a look.
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< mlJens> zoq: Hey, there was a bug reported and as far as I understood also confirmed.
< mlJens> More details here:
< mlJens> If I run the DigitRecognizerCNN.cpp, I also get an error unless I change BATCH_SIZE to 1
< mlJens> Just wanted to know, if there are any news about that.
< mlJens> I installed the latest version available on your HP
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #185: UNSTABLE in 45 min:
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< ShikharJ> sakshamB: toshal: I was wondering if the meeting timings can be made a bit earlier? Maybe 7pm IST?