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< zoq> ironstark: What I meant was to revert the changes regarding the config file and not to delete the file from the repo.
< ironstark> ya that was a mistake
< ironstark> I am just correcting it
< zoq> ironstark: Okay, perfect.
< vivekp> zoq: The Optimize function in SGD class currently prints "SGD: ... " for every update policy line: 78 for example (in sgd_impl.hpp)
< vivekp> I think since there are now other optimizers implemented as update policies, we probably need add a Name function in every update class
< vivekp> then we can do something like updatePolicy.Name() to print the correct name with respect to different update policies rather than just printing "SGD" for every update policy.
< zoq> vivekp: hm, I'm not sure that is necessary since AdaGrad is basically an extension of SGD, but I agree that this could be confusing and misleading. Another option would be to rewrite the message, to something more general.
< vivekp> Yeah, that could also be done but for optimizers like Adam, AdaMax, SMORMS3 etc. what do you think?
< zoq> Adam, RMSProp are all extensions, anyway, I think I would go with another wording.
< zoq> What we would do is basically to swap SGD with the ADAM, RMSProp, etc. right?
< vivekp> Yes, that's my intention. Adding a name function to the existing update policy classes seemed like a plausible solution to me but changing the wording to something general sounds about right :)
< zoq> At least in this situation, I guess changing the wording is just fine, maybe that would change in the future when printing more optimizer-specific messages are necessary.
< ironstark> zoq: In methods/sklearn/ the default value for gamma is given 0.0 that needed to be updated to 'auto' as the new version of sklearn does not support 0.0
< ironstark> A value 0 for gamma will cause a build error
< vivekp> zoq: Yeah, I see your point.
< zoq> ironstark: Thanks again, also do you mind to use more descriptive commit messages in the future?
< ironstark> I'll keep that in mind
< ironstark> Thanks for reviewing my PR :)
< zoq> ironstark: Btw. you are really fast, you already opened another PR for mrpt lib like 30 minutes later.
< zoq> ironstark: I'll take a look at the PR and install mrpt on the benchmark systems tomorrow.
< ironstark> zoq: Thanks for the compliment :). Also the mrpt implementation only returns runtime metric right now
< ironstark> I will try to add other metric like accuracy as well
< zoq> ironstark: It would be great if we could also measure the time to build the tree.
< zoq> and to compute the neighbors
< ironstark> I have placed the function within the time block
< ironstark> Should I keep them separate? To calculate time taken by them separately
< zoq> I think that would be interesting, that way we could also compare the time to build the tree with mlapack and hlearn, but overall runtime is just fine for now.
< ironstark> okay I'll try to do that.
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< naxalpha> hi zoq: should not it be closed now?
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< paws_> is it too late to try to submit an application for gsoc?
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< travis-ci> sagarbhathwar/mlpack#3 (master - bd7f327 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< PAW456> is it too late to try to submit an application for gsoc?
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< pawan_sasanka> i was thinking of applying for gsoc , are you still taking considering applicants
< pawan_sasanka> ?
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< vivekp> zoq: For Adam update policy implementation, we need to pass the current value of "i" as well along with other parameters in the update step.
< vivekp> We could add a new parameter for that to the Update function but that would result in a warning about unused parameter "i" at multiple places.
< vivekp> Would it then make sense to just do something like i = i in the function definition to avoid those warnings?
< zoq> vivekp: You can comment the parameter the unused parameter to supress the warning: void Update(arma::mat& iterate, const double stepSize, const arma::mat& gradient, const size_t /* iteration */)
< vivekp> Oh, nice! Thanks
< vivekp> I'm almost done implementing the Adam update policy. Should be able to open a PR in about an hour.
< zoq> vivekp: Sounds good.
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< zoq> pawan_sasanka: Hello there, you can still apply.
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< zoq> The last commit should bring us closer to a green matrix build.
< rcurtin> nice
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< rcurtin> I was looking at the VanillaNetworkTest fix, and I was thinking, do the labels need to be in [0, num_classes) or [1, num_classes]?
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< rcurtin> I would expect the first, but when I try that I break the test; haven't managed to dig in completely to see what is going on yet
< zoq> Depending on the output layer [1, num_classes).
< zoq> Do you mean the PR?
< rcurtin> yeah
< rcurtin> ah, I see the documentation now for NegativeLogLikelihood
< rcurtin> do you think we should change it to [0, num_classes) to match the other mlpack methods? (and also NormalizeLabels())
< zoq> I think that is a good idea.
< zoq> I'll have to take a closer look at the PR, I thought I "fixed" the test.
< zoq> Maybe Abhinav's solution is better.
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< zoq> it looks like none of the builds errored because of the cnn test.
< zoq> just looked at the Linux machines
< rcurtin> I saw on the sparc machines VanillaNetworkTest takes a full 10 minutes :)
< rcurtin> I'll do a quick timing comparison between the current code and the PR
< rcurtin> it only takes like 5 seconds on my desktop
< rcurtin> yeah, it looks like they are not being added correctly
< rcurtin> but when you go down a level they seem correct
< rcurtin> I don't see any difference between the current master branch and abhinav's PR, in terms of running time
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< zoq> The current master version runs another time (max 5 times) if the test fails, so maybe you where lucky with weights.
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< zoq> I guess if abhinav's solution is stable, we should go with it.
< rcurtin> yeah; I am running now to get some idea of the failure distribution
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< rcurtin> it will take a while but I'll let you know what I find
< zoq> great, thanks
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< rcurtin> probably because the current master version runs multiple times, I will not actually get it to fail even once
< rcurtin> I'll give up after 1000 tries... which will be like 90 minutes I guess
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< nish21> came across this interesting visualization of evolution of mlpack :)
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< zoq> "this is cool real work in action more grace to you!! mlpack" from the comment
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< nish21> zoq: i must say i agree with that comment
< zoq> nish21: You're name should popup somewhere if someone uploads an updated version.
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< rcurtin> I remember playing with gource, it is easy to run on the git repo and fun to watch
< Trion> rcurtin: you are moving faster than speed of light in the visualization :P
< rcurtin> hah
< rcurtin> there was a _lot_ of refactoring to be done in 2010/2011...
< Trion> Explored this today Finally some algorithm that will make agents that work fast on my old laptop :P
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< nish21> zoq: yeah, but i would probably have to search for it with a microscope :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2229 (master - a836378 : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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< pawan_sasanka> zoq , im looking at the essential deep learning modules project
< pawan_sasanka> can someone help me through that?
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< zoq> pawan_sasan: Hello, The Essential deep learning modules project has been discussed on the mailing list before:
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< vss> I have shared my draft regarding Fast k centers implementation , please have a look at it and let me know what you think about it. :)
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< cult-> whats the best use case for adaboost and what's best for hmm?
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< kris> Him
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< kris> Hi, i updated both xavier init and nag. if someone could review i could push the changes tonight. Thanks
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< kris> I have a question when using sgd with fnn. When the gradient function is called by sgd it returns just the gradient for the last layer. so bascially the parameters for the last layer should be changed. How do we change the paramters for the whole layer.
< kris> So basically i am not able to understand how the whole backprop works in this case. I have intuition that this is done on a per layer so iterate for sgd would be a set of functions.
< kris> and these are all evaluated at the same point
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< mentekid> New IRC client! Anyone can read me?
< rcurtin> yep, the messages are going through :)
< mentekid> yay!
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< rcurtin> it looks like I am going to Aachen in June... I guess it is time for me to refresh my German and remember all that vokabeln :)
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< richukuttan> zoq: I have made a few changes to the proposal based on your comments. Please read through it when possible. Also, please check if the class interface is understandable, and if it makes sense. Thanks.
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< Alvis__> Hi
< Alvis__> If I have experience in CUDA but not neural networks, would Parallel stochastic optimization methods be a suitable task for me
< zoq> Alvis__: Hello there, might be helpful, especially the last comment.
< zoq> kris: When the Gradient function is called we go through the complete network and calculate the gradient for each layer, not just the last layer. Here is the function which calculates the gradients: for the FFN class. There is one "trick" the gradient parameter does store all gradients, so each layer doesn't hold its own
< zoq> gradient parameter matrix instead it references to the gradient matrix that is passed from the optimizer.
< zoq> richukuttan: I'll take a look once I get a chance, probably tomorrow.
< zoq> rcurtin: Oh, nice, ich glaube, ich war noch nie in Aachen, sicherlich schön besonders zu dieser Jahreszeit :)
< rcurtin> ja, ich hoffe, dass ich kann ein bisschen Spass in Aachen machen
< rcurtin> um, I think that means what I meant it to
< zoq> yeah, I got you
< rcurtin> :)
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< richukuttan> zoq: This is the first time I have to describe the class template before beginning the project, till now, the template just made itself as my project went on. So, if you find any discrepancies or ways to improve, please share.
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