changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< kris1> zoq: weightd -= gradien*step right. we go opposite to the direction of the gradient.
< zoq> I missed the sign okay, in this case it's gradient ascent
< kris1> Yes i did not understand that part.
< kris1> zoq: Should i push the code to the repo and there maybe we could discuss it.
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< zoq> It's because the policy gradient method searches for a local maximum and not minimum.
< zoq> hm, you can open a PR, if you like
< kris1> aah okay.
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< s1998> rcurtin: I was able to find a fix .
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< rcurtin> s1998: ok, good to hear
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< DF__> hi
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< the_automator> Hello! I'm an undergraduate student from India and I would like to work on the project Essential Deep Learning Modules
< the_automator> I've been working on machine learning problems for about a year now and have worked with feedforward neural networks extensively
< the_automator> I have recently dived into Deep Learning and understand the basic structure of a few deep learning algorithms
< the_automator> I'm currently exploring mlpack on my machine (Windows 10 OS)
< the_automator> I just wanted to know if my OS is going to be an issue, I have seen quite a few libraries with support for windows less extensive than the support for other OS like Ubuntu or Mac OS
< the_automator> Should I try to dual boot my machine and install ubuntu alongside windows 10 or would windows OS be fine for the project>
< the_automator> ?*
< rcurtin> the_automator: it is possible to compile mlpack on Windows, and there are a few developers of mlpack who do that, but personally I think it will be much easier to use Linux
< rcurtin> however, that kind of depends on your knowledge level and personal preference
< the_automator> I have worked with Linux systems before
< zoq> Yeah, the problem I see is that if you ran into any windows specific compiler issue, the help we can provide is kinda limited. Maybe WSL is an option: for you?
< the_automator> zoq : I do know about Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, I'll check it out
< the_automator> thank you!
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< ironstark> zoq: There?
< zoq> ironstark: Sort of, about to head home.
< ironstark> I asked this on a benchmark related issue, but maybe it got lost. Would you mind replying to ?
< ironstark> Thanks in advance
< zoq> ironstark: I hope my answer is helpful, also keep in mind that we can't respond to every message instantly, but we will respond ... sometimes that could mean > 24h.
< ironstark> Thanks a lot it was really helpful. I'll try to include all the options then.
< zoq> ironstark: Sounds good.
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< pengpeng> Hello, my name is Tenzin. I'm a student from Singapore and I was wondering what would be the best way I could contribute to mlpack if I wish to join the GSoC programme under mlpack :)
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< zoq> pengpeng: Hello, have you seen: and Let us know if we should clarify anything further.
< pengpeng> Hello! Yes I've read through it, and I went to see the available projects on the ideas page too.
< zoq> pengpeng: So maybe there is some interesting issue on github you like to work on, or you have some interesting method you like to contribute? Or maybe you find some issue in the codebase you like to solve or improve?
< pengpeng> zoq: I would love to work on a project that involves developing an algorithm, but I don't know where to start given my abilities.
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< pengpeng> zoq: I don't know how to benchmark myself against the rating of the projects (like 7/10)
< rcurtin> pengpeng: yeah, this is a difficult problem
< rcurtin> in the end it is up to you to look through the projects in detail and decide whether or not it's something you think you can do
< rcurtin> since I am not you, I can't provide any advice on what you may or may not be able to do :)
< pengpeng> rcurtin: Alright I understand. I will do a more thorough reading on the projects and their requirements as well as look through the codebase to get a feel for it.
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< Trion> :P A wild ML meme has appeared,
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< kris1> @zoq i wondering why the layers don't have a name. It would be great to give every layer name param. So we can easily identify it .
< kris1> What do you think.