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< AndChat493044> Yes zoq the ann is what i thought of ..
< AndChat493044> And u knw what .. when i installed mlpack through the ubuntu package install cmd
< AndChat493044> Mlpack gets installed without ann Library
< AndChat493044> Its strange .. ill install it through the regular download way
< zoq> AndChat4930: yeah, we are still working on the ann code, so it's not part of the latest release.
< AndChat493044> Oh ohkae :)
< AndChat493044> Yes .. ill open a PR
< zoq> AndChat4930: Looking forward to take a look :)
< AndChat493044> So now what to do about the Mario implementation?
< AndChat493044> And yes .. ive set again everything .. the nes code, fceux , etc and ran the mario implementation too.. cant wait to run mine..
< AndChat493044> The moment ill figure out the cov matrix thing .. ill be good to go ..
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< zoq> AndChat493044: I would first test it on some easier tasks like the CartPole or DoubleCartPole task once we see some reasonable results, we can can test it on the Mario task.
< zoq> Also, we recently switch to OpenAI's Gym framework, that makes the setup a lot easier:
< zoq> And we can test it on a bunch of different tasks.
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< AndChat493044> I'm writing the long one only .. using your ann .. sry cant wait :D
< zoq> AndChat4930: :)
< AndChat493044> Btw zoq . . Is the documentation present for it ?
< zoq> For the ann code?
< AndChat493044> Yes
< zoq> That's one part that isn't done yet .. .working on it. For now you can take a look at the tests, and I guess if you open the PR, together we can transform the code into something useful based on the ann code really fast.
< AndChat493044> Ohkae zoq :)
< zoq> kris1: Here is the modified CMake file: also take a look at the comment.
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< rcurtin> today, March 11, is the 10-year anniversary of the first commit to the mlpack repository
< arunreddy> wow.. congratulations!!
< arunreddy> Happy 10th anniversary mlpack.!
< rcurtin> yeah, I was not here at the beginning, I first worked with mlpack in late 2009
< rcurtin> it has changed a lot from what it was in 2007 and 2008...
< arunreddy> where did it start? Was it from gatech?
< rcurtin> yeah, it was from Alex Gray's lab (he was one of my advisors)
< rcurtin> the focus was on dual-tree algorithms and fast implementations of machine learning algorithms
< rcurtin> so the "main selling point" of the library was the all-k-nearest-neighbors code and kernel density estimation code
< rcurtin> since then it's moved to be a more general library, but the emphasis on speed remains
< arunreddy> i think the fast implementations of ml algos was your contribution. I saw that on your cv..
< arunreddy> "Understand an algorithm, Make it faster."
< rcurtin> well, that is what I like to do, but many of the original fast implementations were not mine :)
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< shihao> Suddenly this build error comes: /Users/shihaojing/Projects/mlpack/src/mlpack/../mlpack/prereqs.hpp:75:10: fatal error: 'boost/serialization/serialization.hpp' file not found.
< shihao> I can build it successfully before I pull some changes from master branch.
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< rcurtin> shihao: did you update any packages on your system or anything? maybe re-running CMake is needed (possibly even removing CMakeCache.txt from the build directory then reconfiguring)
< mikeling> zoq: oh, sorry! I somehow miss this message yesterday. Which message? I haven't solved the issue
< rcurtin> in either case I am headed to bed, so I won't be able to help further, sorry---I'll answer a question if there is one when I wake up
< mikeling> rcurtin: good night ;)
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< shihao> rcurtin: Somehow I have to re-clone my remote base :(
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< etotientz> Hello world !!
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< tash> hello, I was trying to build mlpack, I have some directory not found errors, causing compilation termination.
< tash> I'm getting this-
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< s1998> Hi, can anyone please take a look at this, I am unable to figure out where the bug is ?
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< zoq> rcurtin: 10 years ... wow
< zoq> mikeling: It's at 16:09 :
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< mikeling> zoq: Oh, I found it. But why I should use 'FitnessFunction::template Evaluate<UseWeights>(...)' instead?
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< mikeling> zoq: Ah, it works! No error been reported :) But why? I don't know the reason I should add 'template' after FitnessFunction...
< mikeling> could you please tell me that?! Thank you!
< zoq> mikeling: It's because the compiler can't figure out whether the name is a template or not when parsing the code, for more information take a look at 14.2/4
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< zoq> kris1: Strange can you remove the build folder an try again, even if the path is invalid it should still configure the project without any complaints.
< mikeling> zoq: ah, I see! I will read that pdf you give to me. It's awesome!
< mikeling> Thank you very much
< mikeling> that's the reason why I love open-source ;)
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< kris1> zoq: it works now i also added options so that it works with gdb now.
< kris1> zoq: model.predict always gives zeros values.
< kris1> i intialized the network parametes with random init stil its giving 0
< kris1> when i try with forward visitor on many layers incompatile matrix dimension 0x0 is coming.
< kris1> here is the gist
< kris1> if i change the second last layer to from model.Add<Linear<> >(hiddenLayerSize, 1) to model.Add<Linear<> >(hiddenLayerSize, 2); i do get some values.
< kris1> but my last layer is model.Add<LogSoftMax<>>(); so all my values should be between 0-1 which is not the case
< kris1> okay now i see the problem lies with use of softmax. hiddenLayerSize,1 works but without the softmax layer.