changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< zoq> okay, looks like red is the new green :) ... jenkins
< rcurtin> yeah, I am sitting down now to look at it
< rcurtin> build system isn't very useful when it's failing for configuration reasons :(
< rcurtin> let's see if I can get the issues worked out tonight...
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2182 (master - 17dd7a4 : Marcus Edel): The build is still failing.
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< zoq> rcurtin: nah, I like the new color
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< zoq> rcurtin: Everyone has green, why not go for red; matches with the logo too.
< rcurtin> ha! :)
< rcurtin> I'm going to try upgrading all the jenkins plugins
< rcurtin> this will probably break everything even worse
< rcurtin> but then it'll at least be up to date
< zoq> rcurtin: sounds like a really great idea :)
< rcurtin> heh, yeah, it's about all I've got since I can't find easy ideas about how to solve this
< rcurtin> other than the Homebrew guys saying "I just restarted Jenkins and it worked", which I tried but it did not work :)
< rcurtin> so I'll try 'update and restart' and when that fails I'll really start digging
< zoq> good plan
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< zoq> rcurtin: looks like we are going back to green
< rcurtin> yeah, but the IRC notification didn't work...
< rcurtin> I have to update the SMTP server too
< zoq> rcurtin: the IRC notifcation uses SMTP?
< rcurtin> no, they are two separate issues :)
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< rcurtin> when masterblaster had no ports open, I was tunneling a connection for SMTP and for IRC through
< rcurtin> so freenode ended up being (on masterblaster) localhost:6665 and outbound SMTP was localhost:2525
< rcurtin> but now I can change these back to and like it should be
< rcurtin> jenkins-mlpack: do you do anything?
< jenkins-mlpack> rcurtin did you mean me? Unknown command 'do'
< jenkins-mlpack> Use '!jenkins help' to get help!
< rcurtin> !jenkins help
< jenkins-mlpack> Available commands:
< jenkins-mlpack> abort <job> - specify which job to abort
< jenkins-mlpack> alias [<alias> [<command>]] - defines a new alias, deletes one or lists all existing aliases
< jenkins-mlpack> botsnack [<snack>] - om nom nom
< jenkins-mlpack> build <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>]* - schedule a job build, with standard, custom or no quiet period
< jenkins-mlpack> cb - list jobs which are currently in progress
< jenkins-mlpack> comment <job> <build-#> <comment> - adds a description to a build
< jenkins-mlpack> currentlyBuilding - list jobs which are currently in progress
< jenkins-mlpack> h [<job>|-v <view>] - show the health of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs
< jenkins-mlpack> health [<job>|-v <view>] - show the health of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs
< jenkins-mlpack> jobs [<job>|-v <view>] - show the status of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs
< jenkins-mlpack> q - show the state of the build queue
< jenkins-mlpack> queue - show the state of the build queue
< jenkins-mlpack> s [<job>|-v <view>] - show the status of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs
< jenkins-mlpack> schedule <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>]* - schedule a job build, with standard, custom or no quiet period
< jenkins-mlpack> status [<job>|-v <view>] - show the status of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs
< jenkins-mlpack> testresult [<job>|-v <view>] - show the test results of a specific job, jobs in a view or all jobs
< jenkins-mlpack> userstat <username> - prints information about a Jenkins user
< rcurtin> !jenkins build "mlpack - git commit test"
< jenkins-mlpack> rcurtin: syntax is: 'build <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>]*'
< zoq> yeah, I remember the issues with ports
< rcurtin> hm, maybe that doesn't work because there is a space in the job name
< rcurtin> but it is already building anyway, so I guess that in ~25 minutes we'll find out if it works
< zoq> :)
< rcurtin> hmmm...
< rcurtin> !jenkins build gsoc-blog
< jenkins-mlpack> rcurtin: syntax is: 'build <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>]*'
< rcurtin> !jenkins build gsoc-blog now
< jenkins-mlpack> rcurtin: syntax is: 'build <job> [now|<delay>[s|m|h]] [<parameterkey>=<value>]*'
< zoq> looks like he is kinda picky
< rcurtin> apparently so
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2183 (master - e5c06b4 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2184 (master - 06dc945 : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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< rcurtin> aha! it works :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2185 (master - 55d9ea1 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2186 (master - c134852 : Ryan Curtin): The build failed.
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< sagarbhathwar> Are there any templates for GSoC? Or can I choose one from Google Drive?
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< naxalpha> zoq: Hi, It should be ready soon!
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< chvsp> Hi zoq: I was browsing through the Neural Network wiki which you had written. It is quite outdated and we no longer use the same terminology for the functions. I think it is important to have an up to date wiki for the same. Can I update the same?
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< zoq> chvsp: I agree it's outdated, I'm working on an update.
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< nish21> do organizations have a limit on the number of projects selected for GSoC?
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< zoq> nish21: The number of slots an organization gets is limited, yes.
< Trion> Getting several errors of format "error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘class mlpack::ann::<Some Model>’" What have I messed up?
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< zoq> Trion: Probably something wrong with the model ... if you can post the code somewhere I can take a look once I get the chance.
< nish21> zoq: do you mind me asking how many projects will be selected for GSoC '17?
< zoq> nish21: We don't know that yet, that partially depends on the number of strong proposals we get.
< nish21> zoq: oh alright, the reason i asked is because i noticed that some of the project ideas in the ideas page have been around for more than an year. So i was wondering if it was because there was no strong proposals or if there was any restrictions that Google imposed on mlpack.
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< zoq> nish21. I see, there are no restrictions by Google, just the limited number of slots; but on the same note we only request slots for strong proposals/candidates.
< zoq> Trion: Can you also post the exact error in the comments of the gist?
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< Trion> Posted first error, other errors are similar with only the layer name changed
< zoq> Trion: Can you check my comment?
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< zoq> Trion: Can you test the other Makefile and let me know if that works, btw. I don't get a notification if you make a comment on the gist so it's probably a good idea to send me a message over IRC.
< Trion> Ok I'll try that :-) That nes game module is very interesting!
< zoq> Trion: At that time there wasn't a neat framework like OpenAI Gym to test nes code (mario), nowadays you can just install and you are good to go.
< Trion> zoq: it says it could not find mlpack on doing cmake .. also could not find package configuration files MlpackConfig.cmake
< Trion> and mlpack-config.cmake, and "Add the installation prefix of "Mlpack" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
< Trion> "Mlpack_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files."
< zoq> Trion: Have you seen the fist comment and copied the CMake folder?
< Trion> oops :P yeah it was asking for findmlpack file
< zoq> Trion: I guess you also have to specify the location as stated in the comment.
< Trion> :O Everytime? can those variables be initialized inside the cmake file?
< zoq> Trion: You can also use "set" inside the file, but how often do you call cmake ..?
< Trion> everytime I want to see errors in my file :P so like once/twice every 30 minutes
< zoq> Trion: But usually configure once and use make afterwards, right?
< Trion> I thought cmake is the one that puts the files to build, I can use just make?
< zoq> Trion: Yes, just do cmake .. once and use make afterwards.
< Trion> Nice! :D
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< zoq> Trion: "#include <mlpack/methods/ann/layer/layer.hpp>" include before "#include <mlpack/methods/ann/ffn.hpp>"
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< zoq> Trion: ffn.hpp should include the header file, I'll fix that once I get a chance.
< zoq> Trion: Also we recently updated the SGD class which isn't backward compatible, so right now just use model.Train(frame, correctResult); instead of model.Train(frame, correctResult, opt);.
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< Trion> zoq: Thanks! :D Agent now compiles!
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< naxalpha> zoq: is there any plan to use armadillo version 7 rather than version 6
< sagarbhathwar> naxalpha: zoq : I agree. Armadillo 7 has introduced some succinct functions(like <Matrix/RowView/ColView>::index_max and index_min) which can improve code readability
< rcurtin> we can't transition too soon otherwise it will make it really hard for users on old systems like rhel6 or ubuntu 14.04
< rcurtin> trusty (14.04) is 4.200 and rhel6 is 4.300
< rcurtin> we can backport some functionality if needed
< vss> they removed everything before 6.600 XD
< naxalpha> I want to build nuget for 6.500.5 version so that we can have nuget for mlpack
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< vss> sourceforge is the only place where they have uploaded armadillo ?
< vss> i mean if u can get it from somewhere else that would be awesome but if u cant i dont see how you can work on the nuget
< vss> and since we are not ready for the transition yet we'll be stuck with 6.500 for a while
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< naxalpha> this one doesn't have version less than 7.x
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< naxalpha> rcurtin: can I have access to cached armadillo gz file on appveyor somehow?
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< vss> naxalpha: he is away on a trip for the weekend , i guess u'll know after that :)
< zoq> naxalpha: I don't think you can access the cache, but I could modify the file and save the file as an artifact. However, there is no need to build against 6.500.5, you can use the latest version for the nuget package.
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< Guest42662> i am pretty good with the c++ documentation and want to take up the topic Dataset and experimentation tools
< Guest42662> any help regarding this
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< jarvis_> zoq: Thanks for your edits, I updated my proposal. I will be making more changes that you asked for soon.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2193 (master - 97e679a : Ryan Curtin): The build is still failing.
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