changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< zoq> sumedhghaisas: Hello, just post your questions here or over the mailing list and I answer all of them as soon as I can.
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< nish21> rcurtin: regarding adaboost fix, we need to save weak_learner and alpha only if we terminate when rt >= 1, so i introduced a separate check after line 135. is that fine?
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< nax_> zoq: CoApp is better alternative to NuGet for C++
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< nax_> zoq: but there is an issue with it
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< cult-> hello, i have some questions: 1) is it possible to extract eigenvalues from Kernel PCA? 2) are there any algorithms in the library that would give me a so-called Robust PCA?
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< cult-> please disregard the first question, take only the second
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< rcurtin> nish21: yes, that's fine
< rcurtin> cult-: no, there isn't any robust PCA implementation
< rcurtin> the alternating minimization algorithm by Netrapalli and others (in NIPS 2014) would need to be implemented by hand if that is what you wanted to do
< cult-> rcurtin: thank you for this. can we treat kernel pca as robust anyway?
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< rcurtin> cult-: if by 'robust' you mean 'tolerant to noise', then probably you can get ok results with KPCA
< rcurtin> but if you mean the NIPS formulation where you have signal corrupted with large sparse noise, I am not sure how it will perform in that setting
< cult-> thanks, we will see
< rcurtin> :)
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< Trion> On calling env.step(action), observation_space will update automatically?
< zoq> Trion: yes
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< zoq> rcurtin: Any idea what's wrong with jenkins job's some plugin error?
< rcurtin> yeah, I saw that, I am going to try restarting jenkins, but I want the matrix build to finish first
< rcurtin> it seems to have to do with the authentication being changed to github authentication
< rcurtin> but it seems like the matrix build is hanging again... I'll just restart now
< zoq> rcurtin: oh, okay
< zoq> nax_: I'm not sure I get the benefit, is the process simpler?
< zoq> nax_: Eager to hear what the appveyor guys have to say.
< nax_> zoq: Me too, everything is nearly ready. Will need some testing though but as soon as appveyors reply we ll be ready to go!
< rcurtin> poor appveyor, we must be running up a big heating bill for them :(
< rcurtin> I think that appveyor has been building mlpack PRs and commits continuously probably for months now
< rcurtin> wait, nevermind, that's not true at all now that I look at the build history...
< rcurtin> looks like 10-12 builds a day, whereas continuously building would be more like 48/day
< rcurtin> nax_: I just merged #953, thanks; if you want to add your name to the list of contributors in src/mlpack/core.hpp and COPYRIGHT.txt feel free to open another PR
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2169 (master - f1a30c8 : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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< sagarbhathwar> Hello! I was looking at "Essential Deep Learning Modules" under GSoC ideas. For the proposal, should I pick only one of them(say Restricted Boltzmann Machine) and detail about it? Or multiple?
< zoq> sagarbhathw: Hello there, depending on the model, one is probably not enough work for the summer.
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Is RBM + GAN a good combination?
< zoq> sagarbhathw: Sounds reasonable. I think if you implement RBM, DBN is an easy extension that you could propose to do if there is time left.
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Thanks a lot for the info!
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< zoq> sagarbhathw: You’re welcome, here to help.
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: Which two of them would you suggest for optimal time utilization during summer?
< rcurtin> sagarbhathwar: thanks for closing #941, I'd forgotten to do that
< sagarbhathwar> rcurtin: No problem :)
< zoq> sagarbhathw: That's hard to say, since I don't know your background; take a look at every model and choose the one you find the most interesting and manageable.
< sagarbhathwar> zoq: I will look into it. Thanks
< nish21> what's the link to mailing list archives?
< nish21> Trion: Thanks :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2171 (master - 772db70 : Ryan Curtin): The build was broken.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2172 (master - 59ac5c5 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2173 (master - 0150a8d : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2174 (master - 8edaea3 : Marcus Edel): The build was fixed.
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< sagarbhathwar> Can I implement affinity propagation for mlpack?
< nax_> rcurtin: Thanks, I really appreciate that! I will add my name in next contribution!
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< rcurtin> sagarbhathwar: sure, just make sure that it matches the mlpack API well
< rcurtin> zoq: thanks for the README fix, I noticed that this morning too
< zoq> rcurtin: Sure, I think is ready to be merged, any more comments? if not I'll merge it in.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#2176 (master - ae5a06b : Marcus Edel): The build was broken.
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< rcurtin> zoq: I just made two more comments, I think it is fine after that
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< rcurtin> Feodor is awesome, he is always quick to reply
< rcurtin> when we didn't have enough processing power to build mlpack on AppVeyor, he simply just upgraded our free open-source account to an account that had higher limits, free of charge
< rcurtin> I remember how difficult Windows testing was before AppVeyor, it is a really nice service
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< zoq> rcurtin: yeah, really great support and service
< rcurtin> zoq: I was listening to the first Moderat album last night, great album, thanks for the recommendation :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: I like it too, not every track but the overall album is really enjoyable.
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< chvsp> Hi zoq: Are there any other solutions which come to your mind for the BatchNorm error?
< zoq> chvsp: I'll have to take closer look ... do that tomorrow I'll keep you updated
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< chvsp> Sure. :)
< Trion2> After reading paper on Synthetic Gradients even IRC upgraded me to Trion2
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< cult-> how can I overwrite the constructor of KernelPCA to force the centerTransformedData to be true? ( is that actually centering the data or its just a flag? )
< cult-> nevermind it was easy :)
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< cult-> whatever kernel im using for kernelPCA, i get error: arma::memory::acquire(): requested size is too large after the memory goes above 90%
< cult-> this is with 2.0.1
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< chvsp> Sorry, it was a mistake.
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< Skywalker> Hey there! I would like to apply to the GSoC ... Does anyone know or has some advice about what should I write in the application form for mlpack?
< zoq> Skywalker: The Student Manual links to some good examples:
< Skywalker> Thanks a lot!! :D
< zoq> You’re welcome!
< Skywalker> Double thanks, Zoq! It would definitely help
< rcurtin> Skywalker: are you sure you need to write a proposal, or can you just use Jedi mind tricks to be accepted? :)
< rcurtin> cuilt-: yeah, Armadillo will refuse to allocate a matrix if it's large than RAM
< rcurtin> cult-:* so it may be that the data you are working with is too large
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< Skywalker> rcurtin: But my Jedi code won't allow me, but you never know the temptations of the dark side. Look at my father Anakin...
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< rcurtin> haha :)
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