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< edlinde> where do I get the source code for mlpack?
< edlinde> is there some sort of a github repo that I can browse?
< edlinde> there doesn't seem to be a sparse version for LSH
< edlinde> is anyone aware of a sparse LSH for c++?
< naywhayare> edlinde: sounds like you found the code (if not,, or, grab the stable version from
< naywhayare> you're right that LSH currently doesn't support sparse matrices
< naywhayare> it would be pretty easy to refactor, though, I think
< edlinde> hmm
< naywhayare> we'd basically need to just templatize the LSHSearch class, adding a 'MatType' parameter; then, replace all 'arma::mat' with 'MatType'
< edlinde> yeah maybe :)
< edlinde> you also would need to fix the loading part
< naywhayare> for the command-line program? yeah
< edlinde> Is MatType sort of including all sparse matrices CSR, CSC etc?
< naywhayare> MatType would assume an Armadillo sparse matrix, which is CSC
< naywhayare> (arma::sp_mat)
< edlinde> nah I meant that you not only need to fix the LSH search, but also the bit where the LSH is built
< edlinde> so I would be able to give it a file with say things in libSVM format.. which has sparse entries and then it should be able to read those in
< naywhayare> that's a question at a higher level than LSH, but yeah, I don't disagree that that would be a good idea
< edlinde> I haven't looked at the entire code, so I cannot tell
< edlinde> I was just assuming that you also have a LSHBuild class or something :)
< naywhayare> nah, for LSH, everything is contained in the LSHSearch class (which can be found in src/mlpack/methods/lsh/lsh_search.hpp and lsh_search_impl.hpp)
< edlinde> i see .. ok
< naywhayare> so any dataset loading or any data preparation happens outside of that class
< edlinde> I saw some ticket which was open for 3-4 years now .. to have sparse versions for all algos
< edlinde> :)
< naywhayare> yeah; it would be really nice to get further on that, but time is limited, as always :)
< edlinde> true that
< edlinde> :)
< naywhayare> for some algorithms it's less clear how to templatize to get sparse support, and in some cases we need to wait on Armadillo to support some additional factorizations
< naywhayare> but in this particular case I think LSH should actually not be too hard
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< stephentu> a libsvm loader woudl be nice
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