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< zoq> Not sure if we can remove backtrace.hpp from git entirely, if CMake generates the file it would be recognized by git as new file, which results in kind of the same problem
< zoq> Another solution would be to add 'add_definitions(-D__MLPACK_BACKTRACE)' to the CMakeLists.txt and use #ifdef MLPACK_BACKTRACE in log.cpp, I'm not sure if this is a clean way and if we can export the right header file?
< zoq> Perhaps .gitignore is the best solution.
< naywhayare> I thought about add_definitions, but what if the include file isn't execinfo.h?
< naywhayare> unless we can do something like add_definitions(-DBACKTRACE_INCLUDE=${Backtrace_INCLUDE_FILE}) or something
< naywhayare> I didn't test that idea
< zoq> add_definitions(-DBACKTRACE_INCLUDE="${Backtrace_HEADER}") works
< zoq> at least with CMake 3.1
< naywhayare> ah, cool
< naywhayare> then maybe that is a better way to do it and we can avoid backtrace.hpp entirely
< naywhayare> I'll do the same sort of thing for the version.hpp code (which I am finally adapting to use git)
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< zoq> naywhayare: I'll commit the necessary changes tonight.
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< naywhayare> zoq: I was hoping to do the same changes to the version info, but I think that will actually be really difficult because I'd have to call add_definitions() every time 'make' was run, and it doesn't seem like I can easily do that
< naywhayare> it might be possible, but I think I'm going to focus on other things in the library for now instead
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< zoq> naywhayare: yeah, I see what you mean
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< stephentu> naywhayare: the travis CI builds for mlpack are failing
< stephentu> something about gitversion.hpp
< stephentu> sorry if you are alreayd aware
< zoq> yeah, it's weird
< zoq> I think we don't need 'include(CMake/CreateGitVersionHeader.cmake)' at least on my system this works without including CreateGitVersionHeader because we already include everthing at the begining.
< zoq> ah never mind, travis doesn't build every commit
< naywhayare> stephentu: I don't get notified when travis is broken... do we want to set up an IRC bot / have it mail
< zoq> The error message is great ...
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< zoq> the jenkins build runs longer than normal
< naywhayare> let me see if I can figure out what test it's hung up on
< naywhayare> heh, and just as I'm looking it finishes
< naywhayare> I see that SVDBatchTest and SVDIncrementalTest took a very long time (42m and 12m)
< naywhayare> so I'll have to keep working with those tests to make them faster
< zoq> hm, okay
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