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< JaraxussTong> apir8181 : sorry for the late response. I use quassel irc client, it is a distributed irc software.I set the core of quassel on my server in sanfrancisco purchased in digital ocean.
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< apir8181> Hi, is armadillo has some function like matlab bsxfun?
< apir8181> it just has operation each_col or each_row..
< zoq> apir8181: I think imbue and transfrom is close to the bsxfun function.
< zoq> apir8181:: Btw. Did you get the message from JaraxussTon?
< apir8181> oh.. I just want to have broadcast add a vector to a matrix.
< apir8181> Not yet. I have search through the channel logs. It is I miss something here?
< apir8181> What about the operation arma::join_rows, is it costly (due to copy of the original matrices)?
< apir8181> I just want to add intercept (bias) term to a data matrix.
< apir8181> I'm trying to fixed softmax regression bug (issue 332).
< zoq> "JaraxussTon> | apir8181 : sorry for the late response. I use quassel irc client, it is a distributed irc software.I set the core of quassel on my server in sanfrancisco purchased in digital ocean."
< apir8181> aha, thanks :)
< zoq> Ideally join_rows uses the mem_ptr from the original matrix.
< apir8181> So, there is no copy cost in this operation?
< zoq> apir8181: Maybe we need to check the source code or maybe naywhayare knows the answer :)
< naywhayare> apir8181: join_rows is generally expensive
< naywhayare> it does incur a copy of the entire matrix
< naywhayare> I just saw your update of ticket #322
< naywhayare> the missing intercept is indeed the problem, and at one point I had a patch that fixed it, but I'm not sure where it is now
< naywhayare> let me see if I can dig it out. it needed to be reworked a little bit, if I remember right...
< naywhayare> those are the changes I made, but I don't think it's done quite yet
< naywhayare> maybe you can reuse the changes there? if not, no big deal :)
< naywhayare> either way, that patch probably needs some additional documentation about the intercept being a part of the parameters matrix
< apir8181> OK, I will try.
< apir8181> I could not fully understand where you add the intercept term.
< apir8181> why not change this line [ hypothesis = arma::exp(parameters * data); ] ?
< apir8181> and this line [ parameters.randn(numClasses, inputSize); ] to [parameters.randn(numClasses, inputSize + 1);] ?
< apir8181> In my implementation, I change the parameters size and compute the gradient of parameter.col(0) specially.
< naywhayare> apir8181: sorry, I stepped out
< naywhayare> I ran some tests... yeah, my patch doesn't actually fix the tests (as they are written now)
< naywhayare> so maybe it is not useful...
< apir8181> so what is this patch for?
< naywhayare> I can't remember, it was so long ago :(
< naywhayare> the patch is just the modified files I had in a working directory
< naywhayare> I remember working with Siddharth to isolate the issue, and I remember modifying the code to fix it, and thinking "it's not quite done yet..."
< naywhayare> so maybe I didn't actually manage to fix it and the patch is useless...
< apir8181> aha. BTW, it seems that many machine learning project are rejected in GSOC this year.
< apir8181> for what I know, shogun, scikit-learn, mlpack, xapian
< naywhayare> did scikit-learn apply?
< naywhayare> I was talking to the shogun guys a few days ago about it
< naywhayare> I met them at the summit last year... cool guys
< naywhayare> I think maybe one reason is that only 137 organizations were accepted this year, as opposed to 190 last year, and something like 80 organizations were new this year
< naywhayare> so maybe they just wanted to try something new? I don't know
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< apir8181> With the same regularization value, it seems that softmax regression regularization term is more constrained than logistic regression.
< naywhayare> apir8181: are you sure? in the two-class case, the derivation of softmax regression reduces exactly to logistic regression
< apir8181> Let me check again.
< naywhayare> I have to go get lunch, but I'll be back in about an hour
< apir8181> softmax: norm(\theta_0, 2) + norm(\theta_1, 2); logistic: norm(\theta, 2) = norm(\theta_0 - \theta_1, 2)
< naywhayare> those are the notes I used when I did my derivation to check that softmax is the same as logistic when the number of classes is 2
< naywhayare> hm, I don't think I thought about the regularization term
< apir8181> sorry, I forget the ^2 term.
< naywhayare> I'll take a look at this when I get back
< apir8181> I have to go to sleep. Have a good lunch.
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< stephentu> naywhayare: ive got my irc setup rolling now
< naywhayare> :)
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