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< naywhayare> udit_s: sorry for the slow response
< naywhayare> if you're working on RBMs, then you should focus on that (unless you have extra time). I was just suggesting decision trees as a neat follow-up project, but there's certainly no hurry, and maybe someone else would be interested :)
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< udit_s> naywhayare: oops. sorry. Took off for a while there.
< udit_s> about the decision trees - I'm actually up for it if it's not too urgent. I've realized I can keep chipping away at such problems over time.
< udit_s> Talking about a follow-up project, remember the perceptron learning methods ? Looking over the decision stumps got me thinking about Pocket and Prism - the learning policy for the Perceptron.
< udit_s> I thought extending that, too, would be neat. :)
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