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< Noob2mlpack> does anyone here know how to configure a compiler/ide like code blocks or eclipse to use the mlpack?
< stephentu> Noob2mlpack: i dont imagine it'd be any different for any generic library
< stephentu> *from
< stephentu> but i dont have any specific advice, i still use ancient technology like vim
< naywhayare> Noob2mlpack: you can just use the CMake generators for the IDE of your choice
< naywhayare> so instead of doing something like 'cmake ../' when you configure the project,
< naywhayare> you can add '-G "CodeBlocks - Ninja"', or '-G "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja"' or some other choice of generator
< naywhayare> you can get a list of available generators with 'cmake --help', and it should list the available generators
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< stephentu> oh wow
< stephentu> thats neat
< stephentu> this is the first time i've ever seen cmake be useful for something
< naywhayare> :)
< naywhayare> CMake's language is dastardly and ridiculous, but it does actually do some pretty neat stuff
< naywhayare> it'll generate Visual Studio solutions too, which is how the poor neglected Windows build servers are supposed to work
< naywhayare> I think I should actually replace the 'DEBUG' and 'PROFILE' options that our CMake configuration provides and replace them with the more standard CMake release type support through the 'CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE' option, which has settings 'Debug', 'Release', 'RelWithDebInfo', and 'MinSizeRel'
< naywhayare> I don't think there's a profiling option there, but I think CMake will do a better job setting the cflags (or equivalent) right on different weird compilers
< Noob2mlpack> Thank you for your response, naywhayare. I installed it on a Fedora Machine as a software package. Would I still need to use cmake in that case?
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