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< JaraxussTong> zoq: thanks for the guide. I will read the material carefully this week.
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< naywhayare> zoq: we should probably sit down at some point and make another "future of mlpack" document; that original one is quite old
< naywhayare> I hope to have some time to sketch up some ideas in the reasonably near future (next couple of weeks?) but I'll basically be out of town for all of March, so finding the time may prove difficult...
< zoq> naywhayare: ah you're back, I was starting to get worried :)
< zoq> an updated version of the future of mlpack sounds like a great idea, we should definitely start with some brainstorming
< naywhayare> no need to worry, I just haven't had much time lately :)
< naywhayare> I spent all of last week preparing a talk, which I finally gave today, so now I can relax a little bit...
< naywhayare> my k-means algorithm is basically finished too, so I can finally merge it into master (lots of emails will happen, I think...)
< zoq> great to hear that, hopefully everything went well
< naywhayare> I dunno... I'll find out in a few weeks if they make me an offer, I guess
< naywhayare> all of this job hunting really slows down my work, but I guess it's necessary... :)
< zoq> berkeley?
< naywhayare> this one is actually at Microsoft Research in NYC
< naywhayare> New York is a really big city... I still can't believe how big it is
< naywhayare> I walked halfway across Manhattan today, and the buildings just keep going forever
< zoq> oh yeah, New York is great
< naywhayare> yeah, you spent some time here last year, I remember; were you in Manhattan mostly, or did you go anywhere else?
< naywhayare> I flew in to La Guardia, so I came through Queens on the way in; it seemed like a neat place, but I didn't stay for more than a few minutes to catch the train
< zoq> mostly Manhatten, just some hours in Brooklyn and Queens
< naywhayare> ah, okay
< naywhayare> it's crazy here... so many people, so many buildings, so many taxis
< naywhayare> unfortunately I leave pretty early tomorrow so I won't have time to investigate any of the other neighborhoods
< naywhayare> but I did wander through Times Square, so at least I did that :)
< zoq> nothing else matters :)
< naywhayare> :)
< naywhayare> okay, so overwriting the git history before I merged in my kmeans branch was a Bad Idea. oops... :(
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