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< lezorich> How can I run mlpack specific test files?
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< naywhayare> lezorich: what do you mean?
< naywhayare> if you want to run an individual test suite (denoted by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE() in the tests/*_test.cpp files), you can do this:
< naywhayare> mlpack_test -t NameOfTestSuite
< naywhayare> and you can get more specific and run individual test cases too:
< naywhayare> mlpack_test -t NameOfTestSuite/NameOfTestCase
< naywhayare> does that help?
< lezorich> naywhayare: yes! I wanted to run an individual test suite
< lezorich> thanks!
< naywhayare> sure
< naywhayare> that support is provided through the Boost Unit Test Framework, not anything specific in the mlpack code
< naywhayare> so there may be more cool things the Boost UTF does that I don't know about :)
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< lezorich> that's ok :) I was trying to run the test suite by it's filename, e.g: mlpack_test -t emst_test
< lezorich> but now it worked :)
< naywhayare> hm, maybe it would be a good idea to have some kind of guideline on how to name a test suite with respect to the filename
< naywhayare> but that would probably be hard to enforce
< stephentu> naywhayare: i think we should add an option somehow to mlpack_test which lists all possible test cases
< stephentu> (this woudl also help us to parallelize the test suite)
< naywhayare> yeah, I agree
< naywhayare> this may require a contribution to the Boost UTF project (I don't know if we can easily build something to do that nicely downstream)
< naywhayare> it would be easy to write a simple script that just listed all the test suites and test cases, but I think you're suggesting something more like 'mlpack_test --list-all-test-suites' or --list-all-test-cases or something
< stephentu> yes
< stephentu> i was going to write teh script
< stephentu> and just regex out the BOOST_TEST_BLAH(...) part
< stephentu> but that seemed so dirty
< stephentu> that i didnt
< naywhayare> yeah; if you were going to, probably the way to do it is in CMake (which actually makes it seem even more horrifying)
< stephentu> ya that sounds even worse
< naywhayare> so then you can do 'make list-test-suites' or 'make list-test-cases' and it'll work on whatever platforms CMake works on
< naywhayare> yeah, CMake scripts for stuff like that are nightmare fuel
< stephentu> but if someobdy does that, then i can flip on the travis CI builds
< stephentu> actually fornow i could just exclude the test suite and have travis test compliation
< stephentu> but thats not really useful i assume our PRs at least compile :)
< stephentu> actually i take it back, since I set up the image to compile on old versions of arma
< stephentu> it is still useful
< naywhayare> hm, so the issue with Travis is that the tests currently take too long?
< stephentu> ya
< naywhayare> and you want to be able to ignore certain tests?
< stephentu> you only get 50 min
< naywhayare> ok
< stephentu> either we make it faster
< stephentu> or i exclude certain tests
< stephentu> but i also want ot parallelize the tests
< stephentu> so it doesnt take so long
< naywhayare> do we get multiple cores with a travis build?
< stephentu> i htink so? i use make -j4 for builds and it seems to make it go faster
< naywhayare> seems reasonable enough
< stephentu> but parallelize would hlep us to squeeze more tests in the allocated time
< naywhayare> definitely
< naywhayare> so, the slow tests are something I should fix. let me open some tickets so I remember to do that soon
< naywhayare> (or, I guess anyone can fix them, but in many cases I know what the issue is and why it's slow)
< stephentu> anyways sorry i've been busy lately so not able to contribute much code
< zoq> "Travis CI VMs run on 1.5 virtual cores. This is not exactly a concurrency, which allows to parallelize a lot, but it can give a nice speedup depending on your use case."
< stephentu> 1.5 cores!
< naywhayare> fascinating, 1.5
< naywhayare> zoq: I was trying to figure out what 1.5 virtual cores even meant, when I came across this:
< naywhayare> that links to a document that suggests the 1.5 number as out of date, and that there are now 2 cores per build (as of December 2014)
< stephentu> nice
< stephentu> and 4GB mem
< naywhayare> so this is nice because it means that figuring out what 1.5 virtual cores means isn't a necessity, but I'm still baffled by what that term means
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< stephentu> when you do cat /proc/cpuinfo
< stephentu> it cuts out int he middle
< stephentu> of the 2nd cpu
< zoq> :)
< naywhayare> haha
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