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< stephent1> like which specific test it was?
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< stephent1> i did this
< stephent1> for i in {1..1000}; do ./bin/mlpack_test --run_test=SdpPrimalDualTest/SmallMaxCutSdp >> logx; done
< stephent1> and got no errors
< stephent1> i'm trying all of them now
< stephent1> naywhayare: does every new invocation of mlpack_test use a different seed?
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< naywhayare> stephent1: no, it doesn't by default
< naywhayare> for the sake of reproducibility on a single system
< naywhayare> your best bet is to use math::RandomSeed(std::time(NULL)), and print the seed, then reuse a seed that causes it to fail
< naywhayare> you can get more information from the Jenkins build here:
< naywhayare> (i.e. looking in the workspace, then in tests/; the mlpack_test.xml file should print all the tests that ran before failure)
< naywhayare> but in this case the workspace doesn't report failure, because this configuration worked this time, and the workspace is only the most recent build
< naywhayare> I see this at the bottom of mlpack_test.xml:
< naywhayare> <TestCase name="SmallMaxCutSdp">
< naywhayare> error: chol(): failed to converge
< naywhayare> (then EOF, because Log::Fatal was called and that logs to stderr not stdout)
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< stephent1> ok got it
< stephent1> i'll try this later tohnight
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< stephent1> naywhayare: the bug is a bit subtle
< stephent1> i'm able to reproduce it
< stephent1> not quite sure how to fix it yet haha
< stephent1> naywhayare: alright i used a more stable starting point for now
< stephent1> i think w/o implementing preconditioning it may be hard to guarantee that all starting points will dos omething reasonable
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< vlad_gl> Hi all! I want try to implement in place matrix transpose for #203. Where should i add this method?
< vlad_gl> and what is the correct way to run mlpack_test? if i run it from bin directory, it can't find test sets. need to specify the directory path?
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< naywhayare> vlad_gl: when you 'make mlpack_test', it automatically moves all the test sets to the build/ directory
< naywhayare> so you can run it from build/... 'bin/mlpack_test'
< naywhayare> you can run individual test suites too, i.e. bin/mlpack_test -t LogisticRegressionTest (or whatever suite; you can find the names of the suites and of individual tests in src/mlpack/tests/)
< naywhayare> if you implement the in-place matrix transpose, it may be suitable for contribution to armadillo, or maybe we should keep it in arma_extend/
< naywhayare> so, write it, let's see how it performs, and if it doesn't cost a huge amount of extra runtime (or it's faster), we can find a way to work it in
< vlad_gl> yeah, i understand. i run mlpack_test then i was in bin directory using ./mlpack_test, not in build directory and ./bin/mlpack_test
< vlad_gl> thanks
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< vlad_gl> armadillo alredy have 2 implementations of inplace trans methods. heh.
< vlad_gl> have you tried them?
< naywhayare> vlad_gl: hmm, maybe this will be much simpler than I thought then :)
< naywhayare> I think at the time that ticket was written, maybe the inplace transpose wasn't there yet...
< naywhayare> the right way to test it would probably be to use it in data::Load() (src/mlpack/core/data/load_impl.hpp, I think) and see how it compares (w.r.t. runtime) for various datasets from small (a few kb) to large (500MB+)
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