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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#39 (master - 5c00312 : ryan): The build passed.
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< JaraxussTong> I think there is something wrong in range_search_impl.hpp. In some constructor pointer queryTree isn't initialized, once singleMode is true and naive is false, the deconstructor will fail.
< naywhayare> JaraxussTong: I think you're right; want to submit a PR?
< JaraxussTong> Yes, I will commit it as soon as possible.
< naywhayare> thanks!
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< naywhayare> prafiny: I actually still haven't received my email on how to get icc... maybe I should try again
< prafiny> Yes why not ! Because it didn't take 1 min for me to receive it :/
< naywhayare> hm, then I will have to try again L:)
< naywhayare> (oops, unintended L)
< prafiny> Hm still some trouble even with icc
< naywhayare> if you want to paste the output, I can take a look and maybe point you in the right direction
< naywhayare> JaraxussTong: I'm going to refactor RangeSearch a bit, and that should make it easier to use in MeanShift
< naywhayare> basically, you'll pass the query set when calling Search(), instead of when calling the constructor
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#41 (master - 0c14444 : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
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< prafiny> In fact I picked a build of boost for visual and it doesn't seem to deal well with mlpack :/
< naywhayare> if the boost version is compiled with MSVC, I'm not sure it's guaranteed to work with the intel compiler, so you may have to compile Boost by hand...
< prafiny> Hm… there must be some prebuilt packages somewhere, mustn't there ?
< naywhayare> I don't think there can be prebuilt packages, because I don't think you're allowed to distribute anything you build with a free version of icc
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< prafiny> Hm i see, and using a mingw build wouldn't help ?
< naywhayare> using mingw to build boost? I think you might have the same issue as the version built with msvc. but, I'm not certain -- I haven't tried it
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< JaraxussTong> naywhayare: thanks
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#42 (master - 90a9d93 : ryan): The build passed.
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< naywhayare> KTL: I took a look at your proposals... I'm not sure exactly what problem you're trying to solve
< naywhayare> I thought that the idea was to find a better way to make the covariance matrix positive definite, in the case where it isn't
< KTL> oi oi
< KTL> i also have an implementation; took some inspiration from yours
< KTL> i wasted time with silly mistakes resulting in insane bugs :(
< naywhayare> that sounds like my every day :)
< naywhayare> anyway, I'm happy to look through your implementation
< naywhayare> if it's faster and it still passes all the tests, we should probably use it
< KTL> mine will not be faster
< KTL> because every gaussian has its own set of dimensions
< KTL> and i don't have the EM-algorithm because i want everything to be incremental
< KTL> 48 clusters, only 1 pixel in 4*4 given as input
< KTL> i used euclidean distance without normalizing
< naywhayare> okay, so I think maybe I misunderstand the problem you are trying to solve then?
< KTL> yes and no, i am building a GMM-implementation but within a larger framework that has less common needs
< KTL> and without a strong background in math and stats :D
< naywhayare> yeah, but I still don't get the goal of your proposals, so I can't think about which is the best idea :)
< naywhayare> could you explain more of what you're trying to do, and what you might like to contribute or see changed upstream?
< KTL> when i said that i thought it would help to get the random() function more numerically stable ... BUT ... in the meantime i did find a bug in my implementation ...
< KTL> mmmm but .... that bug ... won't have caused the instability i think ...
< naywhayare> is Random() unstable? if your Gaussian has positive definite covariance, it should just be drawing randomly from that distribution
< KTL> i had inf-values on the diagonal of my covlower
< KTL> and the numerical value of logdetcov could be seriously different depending on the way it was calculated, when the determinant of the covariance matrix was near-zero
< KTL> one method is to calculate the determinant (with option "std") and take the log
< KTL> the other method was to take the sum of the logs of the covlower and multiply by 2
< KTL> anyway, just ignore my rambling, if you ever get numerical issues, a probability that is not between 0 and 1 for example ... then look at it :D
< stephentu> naywhayare: i was working on LDA on teh plane and i ran into this issue about randomness
< stephentu> is there any reason we prefer this global random object
< stephentu> versus threading randomness through the objects
< stephentu> i implemented LDA doing the latter
< stephentu> it seems cleaner imo
< naywhayare> stephentu: no particular reason it was done the way it was originally; can you show me an example of what you mean?
< naywhayare> KTL: okay, I think I understand
< naywhayare> I'm fine with forcing "std" for det(), since det() only uses something else if the matrix is 4x4 or smaller
< stephentu> template <typename PRNG> void DoInference(PRNG &prng, ...)
< stephentu> where PRNG is typically one of the objects in <random>
< stephentu> or even better
< stephentu> template <typename RPNG> void DoInference(..., PRNG &prng = math::randGen);
< stephentu> so by default uses teh global obj
< stephentu> but you can have hte option of specifying your own
< stephentu> downside is that everything that takes randomness must be a template
< naywhayare> one advantage of a global random object is that I can set the seed easily during a test to reproduce a particular bug
< naywhayare> to me it seems less clear how I might do that with a templated RNG, especially if anything is not using the default RNG
< naywhayare> a disadvantage of the templated approach is that the API gets more complicated, which I'm not a huge fan of (it's already pretty complex), and also sizeof(Type) is going to get larger by a reference (if you're storing the RNG internally in the class)
< naywhayare> but I think maybe I am not thinking exactly the same way you are about how this gets implemented
< naywhayare> and I feel like there are some advantages here I'm overlooking
< stephentu> naywhayare: 1) sizeof(Type) wont' increase, since you dont store the reference, but just pass it inot hte methods that need it
< stephentu> the main advantage
< stephentu> is parallelization
< stephentu> like if i want to run 20 LDAs in parallel
< stephentu> i definitely dont want them sharing the same rng
< stephentu> and i definitely want to run multiple chains in parallel
< stephentu> thats standard practice for MCMC stuff
< naywhayare> hang on, I have to step out... I'll be back shortly
< stephentu> one way to combat api complexity
< stephentu> is we agree before hand that all random objects in mlpack
< stephentu> will be say std::default_random_engine
< stephentu> then we typedef std::default_random_engine rng_t;
< stephentu> and we use rng_t everywhere
< stephentu> instead of the template
< naywhayare> stephentu: sorry for the delay... I think this is a good idea, because parallelism is a nightmare otherwise
< naywhayare> I think the extra API bloat of having template parameters for functions that use RNGs is unfortunate, but somewhat unavoidable
< naywhayare> providing default arguments and good documentation is probably a decent solution here
< naywhayare> so, we should figure out how to make the doxygen output look a bit nicer for functions that have a crapload of parameters and template arguments (maybe, optionally hide all the parameters that have default arguments or something)
< naywhayare> but that can happen another day
< naywhayare> the typedef rng_t solution has problems (if you are trying to let the user overload it) if rng_t is ever used in a .cpp file somewhere, and the user selects something other than default_random_engine
< naywhayare> if you agree with that idea, then, do you want to add it to the new design guidelines page? (i.e. "when using RNGs, make it a template parameter, like so")
< stephentu> sure i'll add it
< stephentu> i hope to get some working version of LDA up soon too
< stephentu> which will be a good example
< naywhayare> yeah, that would be great
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