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oki (btw, im phoohb on Maemo -talk forum). after "apt upgrade" a almost year old maemo-leste, the n900 stops responding (after a while when rebooted into xorg)
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ncrowl: it was an known issue (stop responding). you should probably wait for the next stable image to get a clean n900 install easely.
yer I notice similar nothing responds for minutes until its settled down, even then performance seems very slightly worse.
indeed, usually background is dimmed when we open an application list.on my pinephone it is dimmed, but on droid it is not.
it looks like not a config file issue.
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inky thats really wierd
i dont have this issue on my d4
so something is happening on your device in particular
you are fully upgraded on devel right?
the background in this case is i think rendered by hildon-desktop but hildon-home also sometimes renders the background iiuc so maybe reinstall that
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you are fully upgraded on devel right?
so i will reinstall hildon desktop and hildon home. hildon desktop reinstall didnt help.
yes yes fully on devel.
there was that problem with zz something during one of the upgrades
i think prablem started there.
insserv: Script zzzremove-first-boot-flag has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels (S 1 2 3 4 5) and (0 1 2 3 4 5 6). This should be fixed.
i understand this is probably not related but still would like to solve this.
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A process called "mmcqd" is running alost 100% of the time (in ordinary "freemantle maemo"-n900, if SDcard is present with leste.. -but not used
was trying to install "easy-debian" and resolve broken depencency (the command "dpkg -i libxmu6_1.0.4-1_armel.deb" froze if SDcard was present, why I noticed "mmcqd" took up all the CPU)
((maybe because I have a Chineese n900 ebay copy???))
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on my fremantle, i 'disabled' gnome tracker and now Leste sdcard is not a problem anymore
and then, without tracker my fremantle @1GHz is faster than ever before :P
ncrowl: out of curiosity, those chineese copies are really similar to the original one, or ?
arno11: hi, howto "disable" what, the "gnome tracker"? (yea the Chineese copy is near identical, to the original)
((they must have come from the same factory))