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<Wizzup> uvos: sounds great, I will merge the leste-config now
<Wizzup> from my pov when you're ready please merge your patches into the kernel and build it
<Wizzup> we can do -experimental too
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<uvos__> Wizzup: this evening, hopefully als too, device is not very complicated
<uvos__> Wizzup: you dont have any of the active pens do you? the mz617 bought at verizon came with it in the box
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<Wizzup> no I don't think so @ pen
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<arno11> freemangordon: Wizzup: i've been using renice -8 for xorg, systemui, mce, and h-d for 2 months now: the system is a bit more responsive, but there is a huge improvement in multitasking, specially when i install some pkgs with apt or compiling some stuff. there is almost no slowdown if i navigate in h-d @the same time (with stock freqs ofc)
<arno11> no real diff with overclock now btw
<arno11> overclock is just useful for pcsx rearmed now (and a bit for drnoksnes)
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<arno11> *when sound is activated
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<arno11> and 6.6.53 is fine btw
<arno11> *s/renice -8/renice -n -8/
* sicelo has still never overclocked his leste n900
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<arno11> sicelo: you just need few sec to test and see :P
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<sicelo> it's in my TODO :-)
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<inky> folks will be glad to test anything on mz617, waiting for release.
<uvos> Wizzup: kernel works fine on xt894 just pusehd it to chimaera-devel
<uvos> inky: installing leste is still extra hard and spicey on mz617
<uvos> otherwise it works really well now, on par with xt894/xt875 modem aside
<uvos> well when that kernel builds anyhow
<inky> well i just built my own gentoo on pinephone, i think i can handle installation problems and then be a beta tester
<inky> but yes, i dont want to annoy anyone so i can wait.
<Wizzup> uvos: t, busy with some work stuff but will do tomorrow or later tonight
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