ok, seems facebook has mandated 2fa
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uvos: do we still/really need iio-sensor-proxy fork, for the compass stuff? for one, doesn't seem to really work on my D4 ... always shows 50-something deg.
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freemangordon: that sucks. i wonder if the 'old' 2FA python script for bitlbee FB still works btw
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sicelo: it would be good to keep this yeah
sicelo: and yes it seams broken at d4 atm
sicelo: but this not i-s-ps fault the values in sysfs from the driver dont make any sense either
so the driver has regressed at some point
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yes I saw @driver. I tried just reading from sysfs over time and it all just seems random
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maybe we should look at forward porting the compass stuff to newer iio-s-p then. would be nice to have N900 proximity sensor working
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+1 @n900 proximity sensor
freemangordon: app password still works fine with gmail but apparently not anymore with outlook (ATM)
*with Modest ofc
now outlook needs OAuth2.0 anyway apparently
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Hello, does anyone know where I could buy a replacement battery for the Droid4?
it's a hard to answer question. the aliexpress ones are not great
the only real luck I've had was with freemangordon helping me making my own battery by re-using some nexus (e960?) battery with some soldering
(others have better info here...)
i dont think im up to making my own battery
dakedres: you are unfortinonatly pretty out of luck then
dakedres: all the original batteries are quite degraded and no one has made new ones since 2014
making your own battery is not very hard however
needs basic soldering skills
well atleast i have those lol
ok what you need is a nexus 4 battery (BL-T5) the ones from polarcell are really good
and a sacrificial eb-41 (droid 4 battery)
and a soldering iorn and some kapton tape
has anyone made a howto of some kind for this
i dont think so
but i can walk you through it when you have the materials
maybe you can make pictures while doing to so we have a guide then :P
yeah i will for sure
There is no good howto yes
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