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<freemangordon> arno11: as suspected:
<freemangordon> ( 8,52,10) root: facebook - Login error: Invalid username or password (401)
<freemangordon> this is bitlbee
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<freemangordon> ok, seems facebook has mandated 2fa
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<sicelo> uvos: do we still/really need iio-sensor-proxy fork, for the compass stuff? for one, doesn't seem to really work on my D4 ... always shows 50-something deg.
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<arno11> freemangordon: that sucks. i wonder if the 'old' 2FA python script for bitlbee FB still works btw
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<uvos> sicelo: it would be good to keep this yeah
<uvos> sicelo: and yes it seams broken at d4 atm
<uvos> sicelo: but this not i-s-ps fault the values in sysfs from the driver dont make any sense either
<uvos> so the driver has regressed at some point
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<sicelo> yes I saw @driver. I tried just reading from sysfs over time and it all just seems random
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<sicelo> maybe we should look at forward porting the compass stuff to newer iio-s-p then. would be nice to have N900 proximity sensor working
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<arno11> +1 @n900 proximity sensor
<arno11> freemangordon: app password still works fine with gmail but apparently not anymore with outlook (ATM)
<arno11> *with Modest ofc
<arno11> now outlook needs OAuth2.0 anyway apparently
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<dakedres> Hello, does anyone know where I could buy a replacement battery for the Droid4?
<Wizzup> it's a hard to answer question. the aliexpress ones are not great
<Wizzup> the only real luck I've had was with freemangordon helping me making my own battery by re-using some nexus (e960?) battery with some soldering
<Wizzup> (others have better info here...)
<dakedres> i dont think im up to making my own battery
<uvos> dakedres: you are unfortinonatly pretty out of luck then
<uvos> dakedres: all the original batteries are quite degraded and no one has made new ones since 2014
<uvos> making your own battery is not very hard however
<uvos> needs basic soldering skills
<dakedres> well atleast i have those lol
<uvos> ok what you need is a nexus 4 battery (BL-T5) the ones from polarcell are really good
<uvos> and a sacrificial eb-41 (droid 4 battery)
<uvos> and a soldering iorn and some kapton tape
<dakedres> has anyone made a howto of some kind for this
<uvos> i dont think so
<uvos> but i can walk you through it when you have the materials
<uvos> maybe you can make pictures while doing to so we have a guide then :P
<dakedres> yeah i will for sure
<Wizzup> There is no good howto yes
<Wizzup> yet*
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