yes, i see the background, butt i had to just see black background behind icons.
yes, the wallpaper shouldn't be visible and never was. no?
the wallpaper should be visible but dimmed
yeah your screenshot looks wrong
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did you mess with transisiton.ini any?
well i think it's not dimmed. let me see transisions.ini. yes i allowed many programs to be in portrait mode, but i don't remember editing transisions.ini for past months.
maybe i did?
inky: maybe remove it and reinstall hildon-desktop
to get the stock version back
yes a couple of days ago i added qtwebbrowser and i made a mistake in that word. rebooting, let me see.
inky: maybe you use a custom theme, overriding the original one ?
thank you, i think that's it.
inky: np
no no, it was with original, then i tried marina, and it was the same.
arno11: the theme cant change the shader
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i doublechecked and some themes use a custom transitions file. shader can be messed up with radius parameter (imo), no ?
(but no theme from leste repo apparently)
hm, didn't help.
i'll try to disable transisions or what uvos said.
disable whitelist*
hmm i think i corrupted something days ago maybe or maybe last upgrade
i tried to reinstall hildon-desktop but it did not create transisions.ini
and i have bunch of errros.
mostly this is a problem i think:
insserv: Script zzzremove-first-boot-flag has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels (S 1 2 3 4 5) and (0 1 2 3 4 5 6). This should be fixed.
Denying restart for hildon-desktop
why transitions file is 'transitions.ini_' ?
i backed it up
to allow installation of newer.
ah ok
with apt-get --reinstall install hildon-desktop
but newer didn't get created.
could you share your transitions file values ?
and for some reason during one of the upgrades i got linux-image-5.10.0-25-armmp
and now it is marked as no longer required
buti dont understand this: insserv: Script zzzremove-first-boot-flag has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels (S 1 2 3 4 5) and (0 1 2 3 4 5 6). This should be fixed.
why would this happen and from which runlevel should i remove it?
in which should it be?
the zzz stuff is not a problem iirc
your transitions.ini file seems ok so i wonder how blur effect can be deactivated on your device
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i have chimaera-devel in sources.list. if i disable it and try to reinstall, maybe something will be solved?
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uvos: any idea how to capture https traffic on android?
I have waydroid up and running on my laptop, if that helps
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depends on the application. some can be captured with mitmproxy, or you can use
if the application uses certificate pinning, things get difficult. what https traffic are you after?
might have better luck with messenger.com, and using developer tools ...