freemangordon: re bq2415x: it was the positioning :-)
originally i had https://paste.debian.net/1331047/ ... i.e. i was calling `power_supply_changed()` after the call to `...update_reported_mode()`. now i call it just before.
reported_mode actually processes data from isp170x, not bq2415x. so what was happening is that isp fires a notification, and at that time bq2415x starts the 2s internal timer, so at this time, it reports online 0.
meanwhile, reported mode has already set its state to a charging mode. a couple of seconds later, isp170x fires another event with unchanged values. i absolutely don't know where this 2nd event comes from, but you can see it in https://paste.debian.net/1331046/
when that 2nd event arrives, reported_mode simply does nothing since it already updated the mode internally during the 1st isp170x event. calling `power_supply_changed()` before reported_mode causes the bq24 properties to be rechecked every time isp170x reports an event, and thus problem solved :-)
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on that note, uvos thanks for merging the change. would appreciate a build so we can have testing
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Wizzup, uvos: i may have a kexecboot patch to possibly fix that oops issue, needs testing though, not sure why/if i ever pushed it out..
[ 41.632446] asoc-audio-graph-card2: probe of soundcard failed with error -110
my thinking was that this might be responsible for not hitting RET
thanks. that helped
Wizzup: btw the samall image is also lacking h-i-m
which makes it pretty hard to start wifi
uvos: I thought him was on there specifically
maybe it doesn't start properly, or it really doesn't exist?
hm you're right
hildon-input-meta is in hildon-meta, not in hildon-meta-core
yeah its there
but it dose you no good bacause its disabled by default and the controll pannel applet to enable it is not there
ok, but once you enable it, it works?
mybe i dont know the gconf call on hand
I suppose you just plugged in a keyboard
not yet
also the power button dosent work
which is strange because it dose work
the power menu might not be present perhaps
hildon-meta-core is pretty trimmed down
doubleclick dosent work either
but power key contributes to inactivity timeout
if you have a way to type btw, you can install the applet from apt
assuming there's any space left :D
i have 100mb
but catch 22 i cant go online
to get the applet to go online :P
hildon-meta-core has the systemui for tklock, powerkey and mode change
so it -should- be ok
and i cant use usb-net since then i cant type via serial
does it show the usb dialog if you plug in usb?
well, usb net should just work no?
(for ssh)
freemangordon: I'm considering getting rid of the libosso/src/osso-mem.c stuff at laest for daedalus, it seems to try to do some userspace oom prevention by hooking malloc, but it's only used by 1 program (hildon thumbnailer iirc)
there is the lowmem state check but I don't think that exists on any of the modern kernels
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seems like 700M might be better
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cache is the 900MB parititon
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uvos: right, but I also saw a 700mb one
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uvos: ok I will investigate why the droid4 leste-config was there and send oyu an image if you're up for it
issuing kernel build
the 700mb is the other flashable partition: cdrom
obviously we want kexecboot on the smaller of 2 flashable partitions
Wizzup: sure i have leste on p20 now so im open to trying things on p18
tysm @kernel build
those mapphones (i assume mapphone?) don't have sd card slots?
no the mz61x variants either have sdcard or a modem but never both at the same time
i don't know much about mapphones ... they didn't really land in these parts. only motorola of those days that i think i ever saw was the photon q, or some other that looked similar
Leste's D4 that I have is probably the only D4 in all the 9 or 10 SADC countries :p
ah yeah, it was Motorola RAZR. Not sure which variant specifically, since I see a few on gsmarena
uvos: doesn't my mz616 have both?
Wizzup: nope
Wizzup: mz615 has sdcard and mz616 has modem
well this tablet has a sim slot and a (working) sd card slot\
I haven't tested the sim slot I suppose
the very least no lte version also has sdcard
uvos: so don't hit RET either on mz617 right?
you don't*
it never has for me
(also minimal linux root)
my suspicion is the audio but I'm not sure
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Wizzup: do you have any mz617-32 variants?
or any mz61x-32
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I will check
(after dinner)
fun, the charger uevent isn't working properly in the leste kernel, but works 100% in 6.10 that I was using while testing it.
uevent is generated alright, but here, isp170x is much faster ... and finishes everything before bq2415x finishes updating itself
i think our kernel is correct. anyway, no more time to play with this for a while. i will have a quick check to see what quickest solution is - probably blacklisting bq2415x again
what's a good, simple way that i can get myself setup to build leste kernel locally, as a deb?
i have never done this except to build i386 on amd64
but should work, kernel has should be extra easy
or just build in armhf quemu
please avoid submitting patches that you have not tested against the kernel in question
I just use a normal cross compile fwiw
no need to build the .deb
Wizzup: then moving modules manually between pc and device?
uImage and all modules yes
just run make modules_install with the var set so install the mods to some dir
uvos: sure. anyway, you won't need to revert the existing patch. it's already an improvement since we're getting an uevent when plugging in charger ... just not good enough yet
you can also just directly install to the device by mounting it with sshfs
which is what i do
guys, shall I also make trixie setup now, or does that make no sense? I worry it will be hard to keep sw synced with three repos, but I can do it ofc
I suppose it can't hurt to just make it work at least
three? i'd say two at a time. i.e. bookworm, so we switch to it, and as soon as switch is complete, start with trixie.
anyway maybe others have different idea :-)
uvos: so then shall I call these mz617-emmc-bootstrap, mz617-emmc en mc617-sd or something?
s/ en / and /
sure sounds sane otherwise
mz617-sd or mz617-sdcard
or just mmc I suppose
but mz617 has no sdcard
and mz615 will probubly need a different dtb
Wizzup: sorry, can't look at this ATM
so im not sure what you want with that
on mz617 the lack of hw video decoding really stinks
since its sutch a nice platform for viewing videos :(
freemangordon: at what?
that osso malloc stuff
uvos: you're right, sdcard makes no sense
freemangordon: ok, I might just #if 0 it and continue for now
since there's basically no users
then we can discuss later
yes, please do, I'll have a look when I am back in BG
take it easy :)
arno11: so, that pastebin, there is no presence-ui button in h-s-m right? if that's the case, that means that by that time there are no telepathy accounts enabled/reported. I will prepare a version of the plugin with traces to see what exactly fails.
freemangordon: indeed, there is no presence ui btn in hsm
uvos: no worries
freemangordon: accounts seem not reported yet since it works if hsm starts later
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freemangordon: i suppose you read above that I'm back to my misery. but now i think i have better understanding of that charger driver, and at least some wq basics. i'm thinking that I need a second workqueue, specifically for running the `power_supply_changed()` function. will schedule it with a 2s delay, to match the timing characteristics of the device.
the existing workqueue is specifically for kicking the timer every so often. i could do the power_supply_changed() inside it, but that'll send excessive uevents.
sicelo: if it works on in 6.10 but not on 6.x, should that give you some hint too?
there are no differences whatsoever in the isp170x and bq2415x drivers in all those versions ... actually that's why i just expected things to work the same
yeah, it has taken time that i really didn't have. anyway reward is having learned something
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forgot that maemo-system-services uses python-gconf, will need to port it to calling gconftool-2
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ok, did that
and second workqueue method seems to be working beautifully on my end