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<sicelo> so, the other day i had issues with extreme slowness on Leste with N900 and turns out to be absence of swap.
<sicelo> are we not enabling swap or zram automatically on N900?
<Wizzup> Hm, I think we should be with new images.
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<arno11> Wizzup: sicelo: a user mentioned extreme slowness as well on n900
<arno11> maybe something wrong with swap in new image(s)
<arno11> because i'm up to date with no troubles and emmc swap activated
<arno11> *user on TMO
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<Wizzup> arno11: got a link?
<Wizzup> hm...
<Wizzup> yeah, let's check if it is swap on emmc or not
<Wizzup> also the first boot is slower than the rest I think
<Wizzup> brb
<arno11> ok
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<sicelo> it was slow even on subsequent boots, and no swap at all
<sicelo> right now I'm using swap on mmcblk0p3
<sicelo> newest image (sept. 3)
<arno11> and now it's ok ?
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<sicelo> arno11, still facing the issue you mentioned at; or not anymore? i have some fixes to make it work seamlessly ootb
<sicelo> for the second one, i've really tried to check in different scenarios, so i'm quite sure i'm not breaking anything for anyone, but do check/test as well :-)
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