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<arno11> sicelo: uvos: sphone/calls N900 info: sphone works very fast with sudo and nice -11
<arno11> so definitely priority is a problem
<arno11> for non working ringtone, 2 different issues: 1) sphone tries to route sound through 'earpeace' which is 'earphone' in N900
<arno11> *through VoiceCall profile
<arno11> that's probably why it was working previously with no ucm
<arno11> 2)few weeks ago i removed 'earphone' device from ucm VoiceCall profile and replaced it by 'speaker' (with earphone settings ofc) to avoid conflicts/weird switching profiles issues...
<arno11> to resume, there is no real issue, just conflicting settings. PA, cmt_pulse and sphone priorities must be the same
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<arno11> with correct priorities N900 in/out calls rock ! :)
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<uvos__> sphone deffinatly dose not use the voicecall profile to for the ringtone
<uvos__> please do not change the names of things unless absolutly nessecary
<uvos__> these names are not aribtrary
<uvos__> please sync the names with the pp ucm
<uvos__> the sphone priority thing is, i presume, because pulse is using massive amounts of cpu in a call on n900
<arno11> for pulse: yes definitely
<arno11> for voicecall: that's not directly sphone but route-pulseaudio module which makes troublles
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<arno11> (sorry didn't see your previous link :P )
<arno11> uvos: thx ! btw is there any cfg file to change sphone options ? (instead of -c options)
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<arno11> ok forgot my question
<arno11> *forget
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<dsc_> what browser are people using on leste currently
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<maxwelld> qtwebbrowser
<maxwelld> me.
<maxwelld> and netsurf
<maxwelld> for the simple pages
<maxwelld> otherwise qtwebbrowser.
<dsc_> ill release a test version of my new browser for maemo end of this week
<dsc_> its also based on qt
<uvos__> i still use firefox 78
<uvos__> its really nice, but i cant reccommend it for cves
<dsc_> uvos__: do you have extensions in it like adblock and/or password related stuff?
<uvos__> addblock yes
<uvos__> and custom css to hide the tab bar
<dsc_> you dont use multiple tabs?
<uvos__> and i enabled xinput2
<uvos__> no
<uvos__> i use multiple windows
<dsc_> ah ok
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<dsc_> the chromium widget provided by Qt does not come with support for extensions
<dsc_> so i am spending some time investigating if I can adopt ublock origin's block list
<dsc_> saving of passwords is also awkward
<dsc_> i can intercept all requests, try to detect a FORM POST, inject javascript to pre-fill textboxes... but at that point I have created my own password manager
<dsc_> anyway we'll see, if its easy to implement ill do it
<dsc_> at least my iteration is faster than qtwebbrowser
<dsc_> (faster boot, etc)
<uvos__> nice
<uvos__> qtwidgets or quick?
<dsc_> widgets
<dsc_> i try to avoid quick for performance reasons
<uvos__> yeah thats the problem with qtwebbrowser
<uvos__> its ui is pretty slow
<dsc_> ye
<uvos__> slower than the layout engine even
<uvos__> wrt plugins
<uvos__> maybe look at what falkon dose
<uvos__> since they have plugins and use the same layout engine
<dsc_> yeah will do
<dsc_> i can perhaps borrow some of their adblock stuff
<dsc_> IIRC they have it built-in
<dsc_> my issue with Falkon was that it was quite slow, idk why
<dsc_> compilation alone on Droid4 was 1hr :P
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<sicelo> arno11, I'll still find time to work on the ucm a bit. i think there should be a way to define the devices normally and stillhave everything work.
<sicelo> also want to get it into a state that's upstreamable ... i think more stuff should go to BootSequence section
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<arno11> sicelo: ok nice, and thx
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<maxwelld> dsc_, oh what is that browser?
<maxwelld> maemo specific? qt? gtk?
<maxwelld> hildonized?
<dsc_> maxwelld: it has no name yet :D
<dsc_> yes qt
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<bencoh> dsc_: that sounds great :)
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<sicelo> mowser 😃
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<dsc_> heheh
<Wizzup> somehow my bionic connected to 3g again
<Wizzup> after not doing that for over a year
<Wizzup> odd
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<uvos> on d4 setting this enabled makes the number not hidden, setting it to something else, or nothing hides the number
<uvos> you say on on n900 this is exactly the opposit
<Wizzup> sounds like an ofono problem
<uvos> reading the documentation i find it a bit unclear what is supposed to happen, but clearly this is a bug in qmimodem or nokia-modem
<Wizzup> right
<uvos> im leaning thats a bug in the n900 driver since no one complained about hidden nummbers on the pp
<uvos> so i supose it works like qmimodem there
<sicelo> heh
<sicelo> the ofono docs are pretty clear
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<uvos> ok yeah its just called wierd in ofono code
<uvos> *call a wierd name
<uvos> so qmimodem is def wrong
<uvos> Wizzup: could you check if the pp is also backwards?
<sicelo> the naming is perfectly fine too.
<sicelo> it's the 3GPP people who named this that way (or maybe even ITU, since that CLIR naming is there even in fixed/non-GSM/wireless networks)
<uvos> sure maybe, but its a bit "wierd" if you just read the code and dont really know what CLIR is
<uvos> anyhow its backwards on at aleast qmimodem, wich is the real issue here
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<sicelo> is it qmimodem, or droid 4 ofono code maybe?
<maxwelld> d3 d3 d3
<uvos> sicelo: could be either, but the d4 code dosent do mutch besides call into qmimodem
<uvos> so qmimodem is a bit more likely
<uvos> maxwelld: not helpfull
<sicelo> isn't qmimodem 'universal' to all/many qcom modems though?
<uvos> sure
<uvos> not that ofono gets mutch use anymore
<sicelo> i'd suspect the ofono bits, considering most people with qcom modems are using MM
<uvos> but its in the d4 code
<uvos> this is just wrong most likely
<uvos> looks like this goes over at
<uvos> not qmi
<uvos> so yeah
<uvos> lemmy fix that
<sicelo> where's also CLIR_OPTION_DEFAULT, for example
<uvos> no idea but default works fine
<sicelo> 0 > default, 1 > INVOCATION, 2 > SUPPRESSION, at least in ofono
<uvos> sure but presumably if there is nothing in that field in the the at command the modem firware just deciedes
<uvos> ie default
<uvos> so that part is ok
<uvos> it at least works in practice
<sicelo> ok.
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<Wizzup> uvos: yes, I can check in 1-2 days
<uvos> Wizzup: could you merge and tag this plz: https://github.com/maemo-leste-upstream-forks/ofono/pull/2
<uvos> Wizzup: btw new sphone version hopefully opens recents in resonable time on your device
<uvos> please test
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<Wizzup> ok, great!
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<Wizzup> I'm home tomorrow and then I'll have time to do this
<Wizzup> hm, we were behind on chimaera??
<uvos> no
<uvos> default branch was behind
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> check
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<Wizzup> great updates though :)
<Wizzup> uvos: also did you see my dm?
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