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tmlind: is it ok to call hrtimer_start() with zero timeout?
freemangordon: hmm don't know what happens then
well, my idea was to avoid initialization delays. but maybe it does not make sense
it might be ok, i don't know
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i think the "non removeable" battery in d4 is a blessing in desguise
since it allowed motorola used screw terminals for power. which now makes it easy for us to wire in any battery
which is a good thing given the last eb41 rolled off the assembly line in 2014 or so
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arno11: so you wanted me to build these for extras right?
arno11: can you make some wiki entries for it?
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Wizzup: yeah, i tried to build deb packages locally but failed because of makefile/rules errors i'm not familiar with. Otherwise binaries works perfectly, no particular errors.
and for wiki, no probs i already posted things on TMO so just copy paste needed
ah, ok
i mean i need your help to fix makefile/rules stuff and to be sure it doesn't try to install old maemo gui libs we can't find/replace anymore. the generic menu (picodrive or pcsx) are ok and usable.
sorry i'm doing too much things at the same time: for picodrive there is just a makefile error, no troubles with maemo stuff (not based on old maemo picodrive)
once we have it working, I'll send a proper patch to lkml
Wizzup: right :)
presumably pwm-ir-tx would not exist if the author of ir-rx51 had more foresight with the name
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freemangordon: thanks. arno, i don't have my leste sd card handy again. let me know which kernel you're on, and i can build you the module so you test with Pierogi
in case if anyone wasnt aware of it already, u-boot just dropped the n900 upstream
anyway, the existing uboot will still work, and someone might pick it up again in future (I would like to, but seems that's a tad too low-level for me)
yeah, the 2013 u-boot still works
or the unfortunate fallout gets resolved too (because it's not really dropped for technical reasons ...)
the commit log says it was mostly because of the usb code being legacy
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sicelo: how do you build the module to be compatible with zImage from the .deb?
then you can boot. you can confirm this cmdline worked by `cat /proc/cmdline` in the running system. if it worked, then you can do the test, and on next boot, you can do `cat /dev/mtd2ro | less` to hopefully get the oops
freemangordon: i built the whole kernel, but didn't make deb :-)
ok, but you provided only pwm-ir-tx.ko to arno11
so, what is your workflow?
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ofc you build the whole kernel, the question is how to replace only that .ko
i check out leste's kernel, build the whole thing, and send him the ko, because i think it doesn't depend on others
ok, but what about module symbo versions?
also, how do you build it?
i'm guessing all that matches, since it's still technically same kernel?
make ARCH=arm -j4 INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules
not really
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${mod_dir} INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 modules_install
sicelo's process works with your ir-rx51 patch
ok, lemme try
sicelo: so, you first build zImage and then apply th epatch?
build the kernel first, then zimage
what is "kernel first"?
not uImage ;)
um, :p
ok my script has `systemd-inhibit make -j $(($(nproc) + 1)) O=${output_dir} zImage modules omap3-n900.dtb`
with ARCH/CROSS_COMPILE already exported
same here
so it's fine.
so, where are your modules installed?
in .output/modules_dir ... i customized that with the 0=${outpt_dir}
full path please
I mean:
modules are installed in kernel version directory
what is the kernel version directory your modules are installed in?