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<arno11> Wizzup: that's what i was thinking but cpu usage is still high.
<arno11> for 2s sleep i don't know, i need to test, specially without overclock
<freemangordon> arno11: BTW, did you find where those values come from?
<freemangordon> q60 that is
<freemangordon> *160
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<arno11> it has been modified by pavel in 2017. 1024 to 128 then 160 to improve things with alsa. but because outgoing sound was not working it was impossible to see/ear the consequences with PA
<freemangordon> so initially it was 1024?
<arno11> yes from the beginning
<freemangordon> but then why do you increase it to 2048?
<freemangordon> I guess 1024 is what nokia put there, no?
<arno11> because at 1024 there is still 3-4 sec latency at the beginning of calls
<arno11> yes for nokia
<arno11> but nokia was using dsp
<freemangordon> dsp?
<freemangordon> no
<freemangordon> what dsp
<arno11> the dsp chip
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<freemangordon> I know what dsp is, my question is - why do you think DSP is used for calls
<arno11> because there is specific code in cmtspeech to use dsp
<freemangordon> could you point me to it?
<arno11> yes let me few minutes i have a baby in the hands...
<freemangordon> oh :)
<arno11> :)
<freemangordon> hmm, where is NEON optimized code?
<freemangordon> wtf?
<arno11> libcmtspeechdata/utils/dsp.c (the code points to dev/dsp)
<arno11> for neon good question
<arno11> i forgot to ask
<freemangordon> arno11: this code is not for n900/fremantle
<freemangordon> there is no /dev/dsp in fremantle kernel
<arno11> ? really
<arno11> i didn't know that
<freemangordon> yes, there is no
<freemangordon> it is NEON code that is used to resmaple on fremantle
<freemangordon> I REed the library back then
<freemangordon> sec
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<freemangordon> I can't remember where resamplers are
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<freemangordon> the fuck? I didn't push the optimized code
<freemangordon> oh, wrong repo
<freemangordon> src-XXX files
<freemangordon> so, I would say high CPU usage is caused by unoptimized resampling code
<freemangordon> Wizzup: ^^^
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<freemangordon> so, I have no idea where Pavel found the code he is using
<arno11> (sorry network issue)
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> see the log if you missed my last ~10 lines
<arno11> yes, actually reading
<arno11> now we know why cpu usage is high. nice
<freemangordon> do you know who does the resampling?
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<arno11> not sure now lol
<freemangordon> because on fremantle (and meego) it is done by PA speech module
<freemangordon> s/speech/voice/
<freemangordon> BTW, we have *everything* from fremantle REed (including xprot), but voice BLOB
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<arno11> on leste seems everything is done by PA itself, with many generic modules involved
<freemangordon> arno11: so, if we find where resampling is done, I can easily RE the neon code that's used on fremantle
<arno11> nice :)
<freemangordon> still, we have C code to test with
<arno11> ok
<freemangordon> TBH, I think NEON optimized code was made by armcc
<freemangordon> so maybe recent gcc is good enough to do the same
<freemangordon> arno11: so does 8000 Hz ring a bell?
<arno11> (sorry, baby again) let me few min to have a look
<freemangordon> sure
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<arno11> freemangordon: arghh sorry i have to go but now i understand how nokia did the trick to avoid high cpu usage :) thx
<arno11> back in few hours
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<uvos> freemangordon: adding a contact in abook with abook in portrait hangs abook
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<maxwelld> uvos, how would you suggest me to trace the osso-xtrem problem?
<maxwelld> i did strace, and i got the same floating point exception
<Wizzup> gdb
<maxwelld> ok, so far strace log: https://bpa.st/TDZDG
<maxwelld> let me remember how to do a gdb backtrace
<maxwelld> hmmm i think i have no gdb, and it cannot find gdb in the repos...
<maxwelld> ty
* maxwelld is doing apt-get update, hopefully after that gdb will be found
<maxwelld> and i'll do gdb /usr/bin/osso-xterm, and then bt i guess.
<Wizzup> but that is not what is on the wiki
<Wizzup> why not do what is on the wiki
<maxwelld> ok (:
<uvos> freemangordon: Wizzup: ok so the problem with osso-addressbook's recent not working with sphones events is not sphones fault
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<uvos> this is the fuction that fails
<uvos> https://github.com/maemo-leste/osso-addressbook/blob/71d03ad2e7ece8f073299e668145b1bd35fec6c5/src/osso-abook-recent-view.c#L262 <-- this fails as it assumes that the protocoll is known by tp but sphone/ofono/sphone is not tp ofc
<uvos> thats ok and expected
<uvos> assumes that remote_account_name is a uri, but its not, its a phone nummber
<uvos> this is correct and is the same as wizzups fremantle database
<uvos> so then the function bails
<maxwelld> in gdb: Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
<uvos> maxwelld: bt?
<uvos> freemangordon: Wizzup: instead this function should check event_type_id and if thats a phone call it should know that remote is a phone number and act accordingly
<uvos> uris are only used for ip accounts in rtcom-el
<maxwelld> it says it doesn't have stack 😕
<maxwelld> doing dist-upgrade in the hope it'll solve something.
<uvos> smells memory corruption
<uvos> try valgrind
<uvos> maxwelld: what are you doing exactly to make it crash anyhow?
<uvos> what device architecture are you using
<freemangordon> uvos: no, it should be URI
<freemangordon> either tel:// or phone:// or whatever
<Wizzup> maxwelld: you need to intsall debug pkgs do get the backtrace
<freemangordon> the fix is simple - when code pushes into db, it should prefix with tel://
<uvos> freemangordon: thats not what fremantle dose
<freemangordon> sure it does
<freemangordon> otherwise it will not work for unknown numbers
<uvos> Wizzup's fremantle db is exactly like sphones
<freemangordon> so?
<uvos> it works because the account is a telepathy one
<freemangordon> right
<uvos> so the fallback path is not taken
<freemangordon> right
<uvos> the fallback path is simply wrong
<maxwelld> oh, so i cannot do dist-upgrade:
<maxwelld> E: This installation run will require temporarily removing the essential package hildon-base:armhf due to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, but if you really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
<maxwelld> E: Reverse conflicts early remove for package 'elogind:armhf' failed
<Wizzup> uvos: there is a small chance that the obfuscation breaks something but inlikely
<uvos> freemangordon: it must check event_type_id to know what the remote name is supposed to be
<freemangordon> uvos: fallback path is correct, it is how it is done in fremantle. most-probably db you are using has no received calls from unknown numbers
<freemangordon> ttyl
<uvos> the fallback path is _never_ used on fremantle
<uvos> so its not how its done there
<freemangordon> it *is*, when you have call from unknow numbe and do "add to contacts"
<uvos> no
<uvos> becuse even then the account will be ring/tel/ring
<uvos> so the path above is taken
<freemangordon> this is *local* account
<freemangordon> not remote
<uvos> yes and the local account is checked
<uvos> account = osso_abook_account_manager_lookup_by_name(NULL, local_account_name);
<uvos> thisi s where it diverges
<freemangordon> hmm
<freemangordon> so, once we have tp plugin for sphone (which we must have anyways), this will start working
<uvos> the fallback path is sill broken
<uvos> and we will keep the ofono plugin then still
<freemangordon> where is that event_type_id?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: it's actually working, it just needs one silly fix for anon call id for outgoing calls being the default
<uvos> in the db
<uvos> it tells you its a phone call
<uvos> or a sms
<uvos> or a ip call
<uvos> etc
<uvos> sms and phone call are a specal case
<freemangordon> does abook have that info?
<uvos> where remote is not a url
<freemangordon> ah, event_type_id
<freemangordon> event_id
<uvos> no
<uvos> thats the id of the event
<uvos> event_type_id is a different field
<freemangordon> ah
<freemangordon> ok, will look at this later
<freemangordon> bbl
<arno11> (Wizzup: i doublechecked 2s sleep and we need to keep it, otherwise incoming sound is a bit distorted)
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<Wizzup> ok
<maxwelld> got backtrace from osso-xterm: https://bpa.st/QDKUI
<Wizzup> you need more dbgsym packages
<maxwelld> but osso-xterm doesnt depend on anything
<maxwelld> except libc and
<Wizzup> It most definitely needs glib and all of those debug packages
<Wizzup> you're probably running ldd on the maemo launcher binary or something
<Wizzup> and not on oss-xterm.launch
<Wizzup> osso-xterm.launch
<maxwelld> omg osso-xterm.launch uses lots of libs
<Wizzup> you just want the glib dbgsym for now
<Wizzup> that's most important
<maxwelld> ok so installed some glibc dbgs but i have same bt.
<maxwelld> Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
<Wizzup> *glib*
<Wizzup> not glibc
<maxwelld> i wrote a script that would install all the dbg packages of all deps, should i do it?
<maxwelld> yes glib
<maxwelld> sorry
<Wizzup> how do you run gdb?
<maxwelld> because i was saying glibc in other chat. but i installed glib.
<maxwelld> glib's dbg packages.
<maxwelld> several of them.
<Wizzup> which ones?
<Wizzup> please be explicit
<maxwelld> minute
<maxwelld> i did
<maxwelld> apt-get install libglib2.0-0-dbgsym libglib2.0-bin-dbgsym libglib2.0-dev-bin-dbgsym libglib2.0-tests-dbgsym libpackagekit-glib2-18-dbgsym
<maxwelld> when i am trying to run with gdb osso-xterm, it tells about corrupted stack
<maxwelld> when osso-xterm.launcher
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<uvos> maxwelld: your backtrace is not usefull because you dident do what the wiki sais and used maemo-invoker with gdb
<uvos> also the fact that launching the .launch directly worked for you suggests your stillon beowulf, which makes your issue non-interesting to us because we no longer support or work on bewulf and have all moved on to chimaera
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<Wizzup> maxwelld: are you on beowulf?
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<arno11> Wizzup: freemangordon: so cmtspeech in leste works really differently than cmtspeech + pulseaudio-nokia in fremantle
<arno11> there is no resample code in cmtspeech (leste) and PA seems to do everything itself
<maxwelld> i understand that wizzup suggested to run that. my trace without .launch i also shared.
<maxwelld> > also the fact that launching the .launch directly worked for you suggests your stillon beowulf, which makes your issue non-interesting to us because we no longer support or work on bewulf and have all moved on to chimaera
<maxwelld> it says that the stack frame repeats and maybe stack is corrupted.
<maxwelld> that's why it stops showing the stack.
<arno11> (for low cpu usage) the trick in fremantle is to record at 48khz and downsampling to 8 to be able to communicate to the modem
<arno11> it's not possible in leste without a specific module like pulseaudio-nokia
<Wizzup> let's stick with what we have working now wrt calls and then revisit the specific modules later
<arno11> agreed
<arno11> it was to answer fmg questions
<arno11> and let you know
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<arno11> Wizzup: btw do you know who is generating tone and ringtone ?
<uvos> maxwelld: your missing maemo-invoker
<uvos> you need to use "gdb --args maemo-sumener /usr/bin/osso-xterm.launch"
<uvos> exactly that
<uvos> but if your on beowulf - dont bother
<uvos> upgrade to chimaera
<uvos> check cat /etc/os-release to see if its chimaera of beowulf
<uvos> s/of/or
<Wizzup> arno11: don't really know
<Wizzup> uvos: I think he's also not up to date with apt regardless
<Wizzup> iirc from what I saw earlier
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<norayr> uvos, Wizzup, os-release says chimaera. i think it might be even not updated to chimaera system, but freshly installed back then.
<norayr> but i guess with this flag gdb is even less useful: https://bpa.st/LJH4E
<norayr> or i am doing something wrong.
<norayr> i do apt-get update regulargly, but apt-get dist-upgrade yes, indeed, doesn't work well because of udev issues, as i remember. forgot already, though looked today.
<uvos> its "maemo-summoner" i misstyped
<uvos> what do you mean "doesn't work well because of udev issues"
<uvos> its probubly pointless to chase xterm not working if your system is broken/ half updated
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<Wizzup> pretty sure the dist-upgrade would just get him going
<maxwelld> oh let me try
<maxwelld> but dist-upgrade has a package conflict. can you help to solve it?
<Wizzup> yes, just check the news post
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<norayr> here with maemo-summoner: https://bpa.st/53TFW
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<Wizzup> norayr: please dist upgrade firstr
<Wizzup> otherwise we will have no way to reproduce, if the problem persists anyway
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<norayr> what can i do https://bpa.st/RDKJ2 ?
<uvos> Wizzup allready told you, do what he linked above
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<norayr> oh... wait, maybe i disconnected and i dont have the logs?
<norayr> dist-upgrade doesn't work for me. if that's his recommendation
<norayr> then it doesn't work, and the output is linked https://bpa.st/RDKJ2
<norayr> but otherwise i searched all the history, i didn't get any recommendation with apt.
<Wizzup> 18:39 < Wizzup> norayr: please dist upgrade firstr
<Wizzup> 18:39 < Wizzup> otherwise we will have no way to reproduce, if the problem persists anyway
<Wizzup> 18:25 < Wizzup> yes, just check the news post
<norayr> Wizzup: but... i showed you the problem... i cannot dist-upgrade
<norayr> and i am on chimaera
<norayr> but let me try the link
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<norayr> are these firmware related warnings ok?
<norayr> osso-xterm fails.
<norayr> anyway, i restarted, did update according to wiki
<norayr> i'll reinstall the system... will try to preserve the home...
<norayr> i guess my sdcard is the reason :/
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<Wizzup> bad sdcard again?
<Wizzup> 19:47 < norayr> anyway, i restarted, did update according to wiki
<Wizzup> do you mean according to the news post?
<Wizzup> but yeah, FPE errors I can see happen when the sd card is corrupt
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<arno11> sicelo: any idea about what is managing/generating tone and ringtone during calls ? seems to be not cmtspeech directly, maybe ofono or sphone, or ? (i need to fix a bug)
<sicelo> fmg might know better, but i think there's package `tonegend` or similar somewhere
<sicelo> oh but ringtone is controlled by profile, no?
<arno11> yes but i need to understand how it is played and through which service
<Wizzup> I think ringtone before a call is not the same as tones during a call
<Wizzup> one is just HiFi playing some audio file
<Wizzup> the other one is more complicated, and I think arno11 is asking about that
<Wizzup> (am I wrong?)
<arno11> you're right :)
<sicelo> yes the other tones are handled by `tonegend` iirc. fmg will have better details though :-)
<arno11> ok thx
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<maxwelld> yes
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