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<Wizzup> freemangordon: so the service providers have gconf keys for a custom ui, like icons, markup text, etc, this is also what I used in my video a few days ago
<Wizzup> the problem is that these are stored in this path: /system/osso/connectivity/srv_provider/%s/custom_ui/%s (format with service_type, service_id)
<Wizzup> So there is no way to set the tor icon for the tor service type, unless you set it for every existing service_id
<Wizzup> I don't think that makes sense , and I don't want to implement duplicating the keys for no reason for every service_id (which is really just a configuration for a service)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: this is iap_common_get_service_gconf_path btw
<Wizzup> so my suggestion was to add something like /system/osso/connectivity/srv_provider/%s/default_custom_ui
<Wizzup> I'm becoming more inclined to just have the same icons for every service_id though, and not allow for the even further customisation for now
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<inky_> we don't have tablet mode applet, right?
<inky_> i have no sim card, but i know that modem announces itself to the networks.
<inky_> so i'd like it to not even announce.
<buZz> what does 'offline mode' do for you inky_ ?
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<inky_pbp> where does leste store internet connections information?
<inky_pbp> i'd like to back it up from time to time
<inky_pbp> if i just backup my home, will the connections be backed up too?
<parazyd> Install gconf-editor and have a look around as normal user
<parazyd> Everything's there
<parazyd> From CLI you can use gconftool
<Wizzup> inky_: so you mean you want the modem offline
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened a pull request: (iap-common: add default_custom_ui provider parsing)
<joerg> wait what? modem doesn't announce itself to networks particularly if it has no SIM. AFAIK
<lel> MerlijnWajer opened a pull request: (status-menu-item: use iap_common_get_service_properties)
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<joerg> the only way to make the modem start tra<nsmitting without SIM is to start a 911 call
<lel> MerlijnWajer synchronize a pull request: (iap-common: add default_custom_ui provider parsing)
<joerg> unless somebody fucked up the fundamental cellular air protocol specs since they been established
<joerg> look at it this way: a modem without SIM would not even know at *which* network it should "announce itself"
<inky_pbp> Wizzup, yes always offline. i am not doing anything criminal but i don't like that 'they' see where am i.
<inky_pbp> so i never use cellular. my xa2 is in offline mode. first thing i did with pinephone before turning it on was to switch the modem off.
<inky_pbp> joerg, i believe i have read a former engineer on diaspora who wrote modem drivers, and he was saying it announces itself to all towers. anyway, good to hope it doesn't.
<inky_pbp> so on xa2 i don't have a sim card but i also keep it in airplane mode.
<inky_pbp> sailfish allows airplane + wifi, but maemo needs tablet mode.
<inky_pbp> parazyd, thank you, so everything is in home. great! i know gconf-editor, used it before. thanks for the tip!
<Wizzup> inky_pbp: triangulation does happen, but that requires you to be connected to the network
<_inky> good to know.
<_inky> btw i do understand what uvos says, and i do consider abook + telepathy a killer feature that i really need. and i enjoy it on sailfish.
<_inky> and it was suggested to uvos to look at manjaro posh
<joerg> inky_pbp: I wouldn't know the protocol the towers would accept to receive and process such SIM-less registration
<_inky> so i think maemo is much better
<_inky> than manjaco posh
<_inky> even now.
<_inky> because it's devuan, without systemd integration
<_inky> because it is very leightweight
<_inky> even now posh uses wayland, but i use x forwarding with maemo
<_inky> maemo is really cool.
<joerg> inky_pbp: for reference, I worked on modem firmware, so that probably tops that diaspora driver author ;-)
<inky_pbp> joerg, thanks!
<joerg> also note, the whole thing changes massively as soon as you initiate a 911 call
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<inky_pbp> good to know.
<inky_pbp> back to abook, it is such a pleasure to scroll through the address book, and see that this person is busy in jabber - don't write them, and this person is online.
<inky_pbp> i am really surprised that it existsed only on maemo and still exists only on sailfish.
<inky_pbp> well may be on nemo as well? didn't try nemo for some time.
<inky_pbp> but i really like modules, and i don't understand the details good enough.
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<Wizzup> inky_: agreed
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<kona> Sweet, repo updates fixed geary.
<kona> I don't suppose there's already a Maemoized mail app, though?
<Wizzup> We haven't ported over modest yet, although some people did make a start with that, there is another mail app, but I don't think it's hildonized
<lel> MerlijnWajer synchronize a pull request: (iap-common: add default_custom_ui provider parsing)
<inky> i searched to understand better what this 'hildonized' means but didn't understand. so hildot is a gtk2 fork, right?
<inky> and probably it has elements for menus
<inky> and this notification yellow line
<inky> so i probably teed ho litk ho libhildon instead of libgtk? or to both?
<inky> does ribhildon complement or replace gtk?
<Wizzup> kona: if you want to work on it, see
<inky> tdat what i did not undershand.
<inky> sorry for typing errors
<kona> I kinda do, wizzup
<kona> Hoping to score a pinephone kb too when they release :)
<inky> i'd better use droid to type. just the letters are small and hard to read
<Wizzup> It might not be super hard, I just haven't really looked at it, but the repo I linked above has lots of details
<kona> Is the repo owner still active?
<Wizzup> kona: not sure if he's around on irc
<kona> Ok, I'll reach out and see.
<inky__> It is me r droid.
<inky__> From
<inky__> Ok again typing problems
<kona> Higher signal to noise ratio, though
<inky__> So should one link to libhildon instead of gtk or to both?
<kona> I'm still daily driver on Android
<inky__> I cannot use android. Mostly sailfish, and trying to use droid more. Got pinephone and motivated to bring more software to maemo to use.
<kona> Same question, I saw some comment about gtk2 vs gtk3 on the Maemo Leste wiki, too.
<kona> Same, I just couldn't find a sailfish phone.
<kona> Tried lineage for a week on a spare oneplus and might flash it on this s10e in a week or two
<Wizzup> well, I think a lot of exciting stuff is around the corner :)
<Wizzup> having the mail client would be welcome
<Wizzup> I think soon we'll have some kind of working phone calls, and audio setup on pp, droid4, n900, and there's the maemo contacts coming now
<kona> I'm also messing with the Bluetooth firmware on pinephone, because on screen keyboard has drawing issues, but maybe I should debug that instead
<kona> (Specifically one or more rows don't always render, have to switch to symbols and back to workaround)
<Wizzup> yeah, the pinephone 3d situation is a bit saddening
<Wizzup> we focus a bit more on the droid4 and n900 currently
<Wizzup> although I think the pinephone 3d has improved
<inky__> Kona, sailfish works on sony devices. Still maemo is more like a normal linux with normal kernel. So i like it more. It already made a lot of proress and now is promising.
<inky__> Ok i got used to small font of hexchat on droid.
<kona> Yes, I also prefer marm
<kona> Maemo* since os2007
<inky__> Aaaaa, found a way to increase it. Yay.
<inky__> I used it since os2008, still havetwo n810s
<inky__> I think those are very beautiful.
<inky__> Unfortunately mainline kernel doesnt work on them.
<kona> Mine are somewhere in a box since ssl/tls switch. Lovely machines.
<inky__> Yesterday i was talking to someone who was very sceptical about linux devices
<kona> I don't think mainline supports HTC vision, either, and I think mine has bad flash, so I picked I a pinephone
<kona> Skeptical how?
<inky_> and he asked if i tried to use ios.
<inky_> and i told him - how can i use something that will cut internet connection of my programs?
<inky_> and showed him that i have full multitasking on maemo.
<inky_> when you press the left upper button, and see all windows, not just screenshots of them, like in case of android, but real updated windows.
<inky_> one of those can be mplayer.
<inky_> which shows video in background.
<kona> Was he interested?
<inky_> well it was completely different perspective for him.
<inky_> but people are reluctant to believe in things that aren't widespread.
<kona> "We fear change"
<kona> That's OK. Less demand on pinephones and droids for us :)
<inky_> heh. (:
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<sicelo> kona: hildonized mail application is apparently Trojita
<kona> Is that in devuan already?
<sicelo> i haven't used it myself though
<sicelo> kona: in other works, `apt install trojita` on your leste device should work
<sicelo> s/works/words/
<kona> Will check it out. Modest feels more... Maemo, though:)
<sicelo> i agree :-)
<sicelo> but ..
<kona> Working is working and I could focus on something else? :)
<sicelo> i think you can definitely work on modest.
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<kona> Trojita has a few issues for me on pinephone, notably adding an account won't accept input
<kona> Will look at it
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<Wizzup> kona: hmm
<Wizzup> kona: focussing on modest is good
<Wizzup> I am not sure if trojita is fully hildonized
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<kona> Wizzup I will start with modest and see what's what
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<Wizzup> kona: cool, lmk if you have questions / need help
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