I don't really see why we would want that per service_id
So you mean each config has to have it or?
unless a service would offer widely different services but still have the same service_type
parazyd: yes
and I think that's kind of stupid
Especially if they're the same type
the custom_ui stuff is read from only a few places, so we could just change that
I mean, there is a usecase, but quite an edge
it's connui/iap-common.c
Yeah please do
freemangordon: ^^^ ?
(do you agree is the question)
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parazyd: have you removed mce-dev from jenkins yet?
I didn't understand what has to be removed. If you build the new package it should just override the old one
As I wrote in the pull request
true, but haveing 2 jobs that result in the same pacakge is wierd and someone could accidentaly trigger the old mce-dev in the future causein the version in the repo to get downgraded no?
I thought you were referring to the .debs
those should stay ofc
Yeah and they just automatically get replaced when you build the new package so no worries there
Wizzup: please build mce for devel or give me the rights to do so myself
uvos: right I asked this morning when I wanted to tag the new version
Wizzup: asked what?
about 1.9
parazyd: we could also keep the custom_ui per provider_id but make a default gconf entry for provider_type and make connui read it
right ok, yeah please tag out 1.9 and merge into devel branch
Wizzup: I'm ok with whatever is simpler
parazyd: I could somehow see the use in being able to customise per config
just don't want our code to have to write it
so a default per type seems sensible to me
I also wrote above that I see a usecase, but I think it's really an edge-case
ACK @ default
yeah we at least need a default
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parazyd: ok, I'll add a default
"Not using system installed systemui dbus names"
not a big deal rn but something is wrong there
I think that is a big deal because then it disables maemo stuff iiuc
you probably lack some debian/control stuff
that dosent
but yeah it dose later
SystemUI support disabled
Wizzup: Nice, thanks
parazyd: looks like it can even add scan results from gconf via services heh
uvos: yikes, that'll break some stuff
should we abort the build? or
Wizzup: sure cancle it, im on it rn wrt solving it
uvos: let's just let it build I think
parazyd: I am going afk in a bit, can you help uvos rebuild or merge fixes?
nobody upgrade for a couple min then :P
uvos: Added mce to your packages list
I think he still can't push
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its missing osso-systemui-dev as a dependacy
not sure how it worked before
uvos: You should be able to push if you accept the invite
great should work now
hopefully no one upgraded in the last couple of minutes
SystemUI support enabled
ok should build all the right modules now
uvos: breaking -devel isn't the end of the world fwiw
but yeah
still would be kinda nice
if you could dry run the build on jenkins
and then download the deb too inspect
without it ever going live anywhere
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uvos: you're missing pkg-config dependencies too it seems
you should not count on debian/control to assure the dependencies
freemangordon: its totaly modular, it just builds whatever modules it can.
ah, ok
Wizzup: not sure I understand the question, and also it was a very long and tiresome week for me, I don't have power for maemo now :(
lets discuss on Sunday
repo mce works fine here
please upgrade and test at your lesiure
parazyd: ok I'll fix that default thing tomorrow, there is something weird but I can't figure out what
maybe we just remove the per service_id stuff, I don't think it makes much sense anyway
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Wizzup: What does it do at its current state?
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parazyd: no icons, no nothing
I'll fix it tomorrow
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Wizzup: ok, let's just make sure that most of it can be copypasted also for wg and ovpn :)