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Wizzup: What's the gconf path?
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Sicelo: I think I read that you worked on getting trojita running. I just tried it from osso-xterm and it behaves hikdonized, but if I start from the app manager, it looks totally different and doesn't respond well to input. Is there something wrong with my app manager shortcut?
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parazyd: there are several
parazyd: one per network type (wlan_infra, gprs, wlan_adhoc, dummy)
parazyd: see gconftool -R /system/osso/connectivity/network_type
uvos: btw, upgraded mce and see no problems yet
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Wizzup: great
kona: so trojita right now breaks with the maemo qt platform plugin because it uses a hambuger style menu that gets miss translated by the platform plugin into a hildon menu
kona: so the .desktop file disables the platform plugin for now
kona: ill hide enough menu entrys to make it work as soon as i get to it, and also we should improve the hildon menu to support submenus.
kona: anyhow input via vkb via the native method dosent work with or without the plugin as its not implemented in qt yet
kona: but d4 hwkbd and vkb with x11 backend (opend via the search key on d4 or vol up on pp) works fine for me
porting the qt5 input method was trickier than I hoped for
mostly just because I don't understand X well enough for all the keysym converstion stuff
I did try, might have that work on some branch still
Wizzup: maybe just implementing the acessability dbus interface in him and improving its x11 backend a bit would be a good solution, at least as a stop gap, but imo permanently as well
since that would get everything working (also gtk3) for now untill we have enough time to go around and implement soemthing custiom in eatch toolkit....
Wizzup, freemangordon: Does it matter which user runs gconftool to make edits?
I think it is best if it runs as 'user', but I am not sure.
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parazyd: I think so
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well all the keys are there even if you run it as root (sudo su -)
I think that is true when gconf already runs
installed mce package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
uvos: ^^^
thats dsmes fault
we debugged this before, iirc mce registers with dsme for the heartbeat thing and there is a race where dsme rejects mce's reconeccting if it restarts to fast because it hasend cleaned up yet
yeah dsme doesn't wait for the process it kills to exit
at least via dsmeutil
(since dsmeutil doesn't own the pid, it can't know)
it happens also with icd2
"I think that is true when gconf already runs"
how it gconf supposed to work in a multi user env. ?
uvos: trying to overwrite '/usr/include/mce/dbus-names.h' is not dsme fault, but debian/control
oh that diden see it
ok interesting
uvos: I'll look at mce restart later on
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so for mce its mce gets killed via dsmetool & is exiting but then dsmetool dosent wait so openrc restarts mce immidatly
then the new mce exits with failure because either it cant connect with dsme for heartbeat or it cant own its dbus name (depending on moudle load order) both because the old mce istent done exiting
uvos: I'
I meant - will see if I can do anything about it
i was just makeing sure you understand what is happening
maybe add waitpid to dsmetool or something
I don't think you can waitpid on pids you do not own
It looks like the best option, if it works
>The major problem with this netlink interface and proc events still - the kernel returns 1 event at a time, no matter how big buffer your supply is (What's the reason for that?). So you can really easy get overruns with ENOBUFS from the kernel under heavy load. This means you should be carefull with adding some additional work, especially io, to the netlink listener thread. (the example below ignores
uvos: ^^^?
that rule for simplicity reason)
doesn't sound ideal
sure, but is portable
dsmeutil can get stuck if I read this correctly
I'd rather poll for the pid in /proc honestly
but it is racy IIUC
+ combine it with /proc lifetime
afaik you can see when a process was started
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we will have lots of instances wating for processes to exit during shutdown/ runlevel changes
i dont think having them all use netlink for it is a good idea
ok, so something like:
1. get and store mce process start time (/proc/$pid/stat)
mce being an example here
3. wait until either there is no /proc/$pid/stat or starttime in it changes
2. kill mce
should do the job, no?
yes, that's what I meant with start time
yeah that would work
I guess I can poll on /proc/$pid/stat, right?
i would ofc prefer pidfd where its avail.
since then you dont have to poll
the problem with pidfd is that I cannot test in the VM
just upgrade the kernel
in the VM?
that should be trival in vm no
we could also just do it generaly for vm
doesn't it also require specific kernel config options?
but then this is no longer leste VM
freemangordon: so its just for you to test
and we maintian kernels for every other target anyhow we could also have a kernal package for vm thats a newer one
I'd rather KISS for now and implement the fallback path only
Wizzup: so? you can use localconfig
uvos: not making a point other than that we would have to remember to turn it on in various places
Wizzup: turn on what?
the config option
the options?
i dont see why upgrading the kernel in vm for fmgs development vm only is a big deal but suit yourself
I can do once I have fallback path working
I can easily make a snapshot in virualbox
or just test it on d4 dsme compiles plenty fast on it
it is way harder to debug ther
I can easily setup remote debug using QtCreator in ubuntu to the VM, with source code and everything
not sure how its different than to a remote d4, but no matter, do what works best for you.
and with broken USB networking on d4, it will be extremely slow through wifi
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unless USB networking is fixed lately
i think it works fine
(but i dont use it)
Wizzup: ^^^
but yeah, I prefer developing in the VM
it works fine unless the battery is full, then it keeps dropping every couple seconds I think
yeah, this
hmm ok
just rmmod cpacp_battery then
VM then ;)
I really prefer to no lose fucus rmmoding and whatnot
let's just start with the fallback and see if all problems are gone
uvos: Wizzup: why do you think dsmetool is at fault? it sends a message to dsme and then waits