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warpme: I used proper DT for u-boot on rock-2a and then ethernet phy was identified by linux, so same issue with linux not being able to properly reset the phy prior to reading phy-id from it leading to phy-id = 0xffffffff
will push updated branches later today
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Kwiboo : fantastic!. I'll let you know how it goes :-)
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quick question: Unpack yesterday night my jetkvm. While I undertand they have to use rk kernel due to video encoder, I've been wondering about u-boot. What's the status ? there's support for rv1108 but jetkvm is rv1106...
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Kwiboo: while I'm asking questions here, what's the status of your ramboot u-boot patches ?
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nobody has reviewed the patches yet
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too bad... I can see them being useful when I'm testing uboot on my rk devices before flashing it.
rtp: there's nothing required to review patches except a mail address ;)
I have *some* interest in it (to the amount of "would be cool" and "could then have snagboot/snagrecover/rockusb/rkdeveloptool/labgrid use upstream U-Boot for USB loading"
but there's only 24h in a day :)
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qschulz: I've only tested them so I would hardly call that a review (and I'm possibly not the right person to do the review) :)
What makes you not the right person :) ?
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Giving a Tested-by is already useful :)
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oh, yeah, sure, at least, I should be able to provide a tested-by
rtp: the ramboot series is probably fully functional and could use a review, would be nice if it could be merged, next merge window opens after next release in around 4 weeks