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<anarsoul> hey folks, I'm trying to get my BTT HDMI5 working with BTT CB2 (rk3566) and I'm getting NOCLOCK for all the modes
<anarsoul> it's a 800x480 screen
<anarsoul> any ideas how to fix it up? :)
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<anarsoul> I presume I need to patch clk-rk3568.c to add necessary clocks?
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<Kwiboo> anarsoul: dedicating hpll for hdmi and using a custom pll table should work, tried to use something like in an early revision for LibreELEC
<Kwiboo> that seemed to help with lower uncommon resolutions but was not really upstreamable so eventually dropped all custom rk3568 patches
<anarsoul> 640x480@60 should be pretty common though?
<anarsoul> *sigh* I really wonder why HDMI is always broken with rockchip
<anarsoul> btw, it rejects 800x600@60 and 1024x768@60 as well
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<Kwiboo> anarsoul: yep, I had to use a custom hpll rate table exacly for those low resolutions, because default pll table would not allow it, and I did not want to try and adjust the shared pll table, we where already using custom pll table for hdmi on rk3328/rk3399 so why not also on rk3568 ;-)
<Kwiboo> mmind00: look like your "clk: rockchip: rk3576: define clk_otp_phy_g" has not been applied to any tree for next yet? I am getting "rockchip-otp 2a580000.otp: error -ENOENT: Failed to get clk 'phy'" without it on latest linux-next
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<anarsoul> Kwiboo: I just added two more rates to common table and display seems to work now
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<CounterPillow> Kwiboo: yeah I noticed that patch missing as well, I assumed it was just not in linux-next yet but if it's not in any tree then the nvmem maintainer did an oopsie by dropping it after saying they applied it
<mmind00> Kwiboo: it looks like mmind00 is blind and overlooked that there was a clock patch in that series ;-)
<mmind00> CounterPillow: ah right ... the applied message from the nvmem maintainer reads they took the clk patch ... so I'm not blind afterall
<CounterPillow> I assume they realised their mistake of picking a patch they shouldn't have picked, dropped it, but then... didn't tell anyone :D
<mmind00> I'll ask the nvmem maintainer what's up and pick the patch then ... this is small enough that it can also fit in as fix if need be
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