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most likely the signal quality/power/etc. is marginal for SDR104 speeds, so a long series of transfers just increases the likelihood of seeing an error
you could try checking/fiddling pinctrl properties - certainly I remember for HS200 eMMC most boards tended to need the driver strength cranking up from default
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or perhaps just try dialling down the "sd-uhs-sdr104" cap in DT to "sd-uhs-sdr50" or lesser
(especially given that our "SDR104" on Rockchip is still only really "SDR74" anyway...)
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o/ is it possible to use u-boot with no/minimal blobs to boot an rk3328?
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Jookia: yes
both dram training and tf-a are open and mainline
I have an RK3328 board that has decided it no longer wants to boot past ATF so I'm going to be doing a bit of bootloader debugging :(
check whether the ATF you use is one with broken FDT size limits, there was a version like that once where the FDT u-boot spl passed to ATF iirc couldn't be >64k
this happened between boots, so it's possibly a board issue
so this is mostly for troubleshooting what's wrong
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I did search online to try and find anyone else with similar symptoms (the board stops after INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9 in the boot log)
Is miniloader and TF-A is loaded in to RAM, not SRAM?
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