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<diederik> Kwiboo: In U-Boot's ``configs/rockpro64-rk3399_defconfig`` I see ``CONFIG_DEFAULT_FDT_FILE="rockchip/rk3399-rockpro64.dtb"`` (i.e. not -v2.dtb). Any particular reason for that?
<CounterPillow> because the v2 isn't the right one
<CounterPillow> the name is misleading
<CounterPillow> v2 was a short-lived run where the audio codec was different
<CounterPillow> the non-v2 one is v2.1, and the names won't be changed because renaming device tree files will break existing working setups
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<diederik> ok
<diederik> turns out I had a misunderstanding of the situation in Linux. Thanks for the hint/clarification :)
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<mmind00> anybody up for providing a Reviewed-by for a totally simple patch? ;-)
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<sre> done
<mmind00> sre thanks a lot :-)
<sre> No problem it really is trivial to review :) Thanks for reviewing and merging the big RK3576 VOP series!
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