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Daanct12: this is super cool, I might look into it when I get some free time.
CounterPillow: thanks
please lmk ;]
the patches should be mostly finished, there's still one thing need to address and that's about the esmart planes
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They say I write the best devicetree bindings. I always get my devicetree bindings acked on the first revision. Rob never has a problem with my bindings, he loves me. Krzysztof loves me too. Everyone loves me and my bindings. You know, people come to me, and they go "Pillow", they say, "how do you always write such good devicetree bindings?". And I tell them, "look, you gotta read the json-schema book", is what I tell them, and "
you gotta run make dt_binding_check with W=1". But they don't understand. Only I understand. I can tell apart a list of const and an enum, nobody else can.
CounterPillow: what brought that on? :-D
Wishful thinking after I realised I'll have to rework yet another DT schema :(
CounterPillow: I've written a json-schema for some internal project recently
it's honestly not easy
but found it significantly easier than writing a dt-binding for the kernel
cannot tell why and what's the big difference there
the words "precise specification" and "in yaml" should not go together
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CounterPillow: sai-green-frog.yaml sounds like a great idea though
Which maintainer tree, if any, are the RK3576 HDPTX-PHY changes in? I don't have them in next-20250305 and I'm wondering whether that's just unfortunate timing or if a patch got forgotten somewhere because it's proving elusive to fnd on lore as well