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* qschulz gasps at Kwiboo's statement
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* mmind00 is thinking of the Life of Brian ... throw him to the floor ;-)
<mmind00> that poor Linux-Kernel and U-Boot sources ... having to live on a windows host
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<qschulz> dsimic: ok so the base DTB doesn't get rebuilt twice, it gets the -@ flag if the DTB is part of one of those overlay tests
<qschulz> this adds any .dtb listed in a -dtbs rule to bae-dtb-y
<Kwiboo> mmind00: qschulz: hehe, all sources at least live on a linux server host, in recent months/year I primary use vscode ssh remoting to my linux host, prior to that I typically used notepad++ and files over smb :-D
* qschulz sobs
<Kwiboo> hehehe, my dayjob is primary working with development using Microsoft technologies and/or anything Azure or Microsoft 365 related, so naturally OS at home is Windows :-)
<qschulz> Kwiboo: I wonder how people with a full time job can contribute so much on their free time
<qschulz> not asking for an answer, I'm genuinely baffled
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<Kwiboo> qschulz: hehe, dayjob is not always that exciting, and linux/u-boot dev keeps the brain going :-)
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<wens> qschulz: at my previous job, there were busy days and very idle days :p
<wens> not so much anymore :(
<beeble> qschulz: thats the solution
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<qschulz> beeble: I mean... I've read that people in the Silicon Valley are microdosing drugs so... maybe not too far
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