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<CounterPillow> Whose tree is the mipi-dsi stuff in? I see some patches on the mailing list from the 30th but that patchset is smaller than the one from May so I assume some stuff was merged somewhere
<CounterPillow> Did this go through the drm tree?
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<CounterPillow> ok yes it was through drm, sorry for the noise :)
<narmstrong> CounterPillow: yes it's based on drm-misc-next, you'll be able to base on v6.5-rc1 on next monday
<CounterPillow> Thanks
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<rockosov> narmstrong: xdarklight Hello! Do you know the purpose of using the ttyAML prefix for the meson uart device instead of the standard ttyS prefix? Because of this, it is necessary to generate additional 'if' statements in the bootloader scripts to support different kernel versions (from vendors and upstream). I am just wondering how this helps to solve which problems.
<narmstrong> rockosov: legacy reasons...
<rockosov> :-)
<rockosov> I'm trying to find any special driver to generate early name aliasing... But don't see anything
<narmstrong> uart was one of the first amlogic driver upstreamed long time ago, nowadays ttyAML would have been rejected
<narmstrong> OMAP did the migration a long time ago and had a driver who did the aliasing, but it has been removed
<narmstrong> I don't understand why ttyAML was accepted at the time
<rockosov> narmstrong: Do you think it's not good idea to change this name in the new kernel versions (with appropriate chages to all dts(i)?
<narmstrong> well it will cause breakage, but perhaps we could perhaps make it appear as ttyS for new platforms
<narmstrong> AFAIK DT doesn't need any changes
<narmstrong> rockosov: add a copy of uart_meson_driver with ttyS and use it for new compatibles via a new meson_uart_data struct
<rockosov> narmstrong: Okay, I'll prepare the such change, and send today. I suppose we can use new name for A1, S4, T7, C3 as newest Amlogic platforms. What do you think?
<narmstrong> rockosov: yep I think all of these can use the new name since they are part of no distro right now
<rockosov> narmstrong: BTW, I've made a grep over dts. You are right, no additional changes are required for dt part
<narmstrong> even if with systemd it's no longer an issue
<rockosov> Yep, all well-known UART-based things are using ttyS prefix... So the change will help certainly
<rockosov> narmstrong: One small point to make - in order to support different ttyXXX names based on compatible tag, it is necessary to port the meson-uart driver from a simple init/exit module to a platform_driver module. This is necessary because the OF subsystem requires an initialized platform device. At first glance, it doesn't seem like a big deal.
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<narmstrong> rockosov: yeah whatever must be done do it and we’ll see the result
<rockosov> narmstrong: Okay :-)
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<f_> ttyAMLx is legacy now
<f_> if I understood correctly. Honestly it shouldn't be too hard to adapt that for postmarketOS (I maintain the kernel package used for Amlogic devices)
<f_> Each device has a deviceinfo file where we configure some stuff like the cmdline
<f_> I made the choice to *not* enable UART by default in the KII Pro, but some Amlogic devices have it enabled by default.
<f_> Still, a simple s/ttyAML0/ttyS0/ should be enough =)
<f_> The number of Amlogic devices supported by postmarketOS should be manageable.
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<rockosov> f_: I agree with you that using the old approach is acceptable for legacy devices. However, we should avoid repeating the same mistakes with new boards. Why not try a different approach?
<f_> Sorry, didn't mean that. I meant that we should also use the new approach on legacy devices.
<f_> and that, in postmarketOS, it should be easy to switch to ttyS from ttyAML.
<f_> (we don't have that much Amlogic devices in postmarketOS)
<narmstrong> We can’t allow breakage for current supported device
<f_> Understandable.
<f_> "We don't break userspace!"
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<f11f12> when OMAP migrated, they had some kind of alias and a warning message for quite some time.
<narmstrong> Yep exact, so I wonder why ttyAML was accepted after that… anyway it’s done but let’s avoid it for new socs if possible
<f_> We should slowly migrate older ones,, have ttyS as default and ttyAML as alt
<f_> just to not break anything.
<f_> Have both, but recommend the use of ttyS
<f_> Tell that ttyAML is deprecated but left for compatibility
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<rockosov> Draft patch is ready, will try to send the first version today or tomorrow
<f11f12> narmstrong: is mipi + hdmi output possible? In the past it was mipi or hdmi
<narmstrong> f11f12: dual display is still not implemented
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<psi15> Hello! I'm trying to create a sound card where a DAI link has separate codecs for playback and capture. I can add two codecs in the DTS but the problem is snd_soc_dai_ops.startup callback is called when I do a capture with arecord even when snd_soc_dai_driver only fills the playback element. So both codecs for this DAI are started but I think the
<psi15> correct way would be to only start the codec that can actually handle the current substream direction. Is there a way to specify in the DTS that a codec is only responsible for playback or capture but not both?
<f_> Which SBC/set-top box?
<psi15> A113D
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<f_> I ended up successfully initialising the PLL
<f_> *DDR PLL
<f_> Wanna know what the problem was?
<f_> I wrote to the wrong regs :^)
<f_> I think I needed sleep when I was writing the code :^)
<f_> Now PCTL init is where stuff goes wrong
<f_> With the watchdog it would reset again and again. Now it just hangs.
<f_> (which is good)
<f_> Here's a trick I use to debug:
<f_> #define mmio_write_32(reg, val) printf("mmio_write_32\t%lx\t%x\n", (uintptr_t)reg, (uint32_t)val); *(volatile uint32_t*)reg = val
<f_> mmio_write_32 c8839004 2
<f_> And this is where it hangs
<f_> Right to the ~end.
<f_> BTW you may also have noticed that I hardcode values
<f_> Ok it's actually hanging at the while loop just after.
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<f_> Problem: 0xC8839008 is supposed to be == 3
<f_> but it isn't.
<f_> Maybe forgot to set some register
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