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<minute> i have migrated my personal mnt reform laptop to a311d and now trying to test VDEC. what player is best integrated with that (v4l2_mem2mem?)
<Daanct12> hi minute, nice to see you
<Daanct12> pretty cool to know about a hobbyist laptop made from the ground up
<minute> Daanct12: hi!
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<minute> ok, dogfooding reveals more issues with the rtw88 driver xdarklight
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<minute> i was able to use it for almost an hour surfing the web, downloading a 2 GB game etc but then things started to go wonky, and i couldn't access dmesg anymore (still could log in and out)
<minute> i was able to take photos of the dmesg output before i couldn't access that anymore
<minute> the final oops was in ct_kernel_exit
<minute> xdarklight: there are still issues with rtw_sdio_rx_skb
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<minute> xdarklight: and there is an issue with rtw_power_mode_change
<minute> is it possible to disable this LP state?
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<minute> disabling wlan0 power_save seems to quiet things
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<minute> ok, it happened again after over one hour (4000 seconds of uptime)
<minute> this will be fun to debug...
<Daanct12> i guess this is why the linux community hated realtek drivers
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<minute> i will try to limit and then disable rx aggregation again
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<minute> fallout new vegas on the A311D
<minute> xdarklight: i have patched rtw_sdio_enable_rx_aggregation to set the size to 0x6 again and have had no panics in 2h30 of usage
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<minute> xdarklight: no issues after 5 hours of uptime
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<xdarklight> minute: hmm, very weird - I just came home 1.5 hours ago and had to shower and eat. I'm heading to bed now and will probably look into this more on Sunday
<xdarklight> minute: thanks for all the logs though and for summarizing your findings in a mail. maybe Ping-Ke also has another idea
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