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<minute> jdp_: a kernel without FDT support?
<minute> or rather uboot without FDT support
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<jdp_> is this a configuration I need to specify? I am building for S905X, I realized I built on Dunfell and have started a build on langdale, not sure if this is what would be causing the issue though
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<phh> <jdp_> FDT and ATAGS support not compiled in <--- fwiw I get this error from kernel when FDT is compiled in, but it can't read the FDT
<jdp_> phh are you able to boot your device or does this prevent you from booting as well?
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<phh> jdp_: that's a completely different device and boot and everything. i'm just pointing out that this error means in my experience that the kernel can't read fdt
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<jdp_> phh: I see sorry for the confusion. I just booted with my build on the langdale branch and it worked!
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