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<f_> At this point I think I need to collect a lot more logs.
<f_> I think all acs.bin binaries work on my set-top box
<f_> which is: good and bad
<f_> Good, because it works fine
<f_> Bad, because I don't get to see what happens if it doesn't!!
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<f_> I'm auditing my code and Amlogic's and checking for mistakes I might have made.
<f_> well as Amlogic's memtest functions
<f_> Seems like they changed some stuff
<f_> Not too much, looks like the functions themselves stayed untouched. But I can see they write to one register before running memTestDataBus
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<f_> :/ `if (*address != pattern)` hangs..
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<chewitt> minute: I saw mention of 'channels' re audio
<chewitt> it's a hack (not upstreamable) but ensures audio channels map correctly to alsa controls
<f_> o/ chewitt!
<chewitt> if you play multi-channel audio files you will find that stuff comes out the wrong speakers
<chewitt> (occasionally)
<f_> How are you doing? It's been a while.
<chewitt> all good .. new job and other interests taking precedence at the moment
<f_> Great.
<f_> these are my BL2 reverse-engineering notes
<chewitt> and nothing new/interesting to test (for my use-cases) until there's some movement on hardware video decoding topics
<chewitt> I've been reading the backlog .. nice work
<chewitt> keep going :)
<f_> Thanks :)
<f_> Not much yet.
<f_> And this repo also hosts a disassembly + decompilation of BL2, as well as a ghidra project file.
* f_ hopes this isn't illegal but isn't a lawyer in any way.
<minute> chewitt: ohh interesting
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<chewitt> minute: this is the issue that patch 'fixes'
<chewitt> the thread eventually comes to the conclusion that someone should work on code to pass-through the controls
<chewitt> but that's way way beyond my non-coding capabilities and there's no willing volunteers for the task
<chewitt> one of the Kodi developers hacked up the workaround patch for me though :)
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