narmstrong changed the topic of #linux-amlogic to: Amlogic mainline kernel development discussion - our wiki - ml - official channel moved from Freenode - publicly logged on
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<minute> i'm debugging audio a bit on a311d in my laptop and always encountering a lot of this in dmesg with wm8960:
<minute> [ 4611.374538] fe.dai-link-1: ASoC: error at dpcm_fe_dai_prepare on fe.dai-link-1: -22
<minute> this goes up to fe.dai-link-5
<minute> any ideas how this could be fixed?
<minute> also still trying to discern why the ethernet connection is so unreliable
<minute> interesting, the eth led outputs on the bpi cm4 also double as cfg inputs for the rtl8211f
<minute> ok, the LED connection was really the issue keeping 1gbit mode from working... incredible
<minute> i cut the traces and eth works at 1gbit for the first time
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<f_> hi all..Seems like some matrix users are joined here
<f_> Just wanted to let them know about this:
<f_> so..TL;DR the bridge will be disabled for all non-plumbed (explicitely bridged/portalled) IRC channels, including this one.
<f_> Unless this channel gets explicitely bridged ("plumbed") to Matrix, of course.
<f_> Just wanted to say this, for any Matrix user here. </offtopic>
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