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<vir0id> Hello everybody. There is orangepipcplus. Inside Libreelec 11.0.5 with Nexus and Mimic-LR skin. Everything is great, but....
<vir0id> What I did: Changed fonts to different variants of Arial, Ubuntu, etc. Changed encodings in Cyrillic settings (Windows/ISO).
<vir0id> 1. Problems with Russian text in song titles. The player accordingly also sees hieroglyphs.
<vir0id> I changed the encoding in the playlists to different options and nothing works. Changed skins
<vir0id> Question: What else can I do?
<vir0id> Question 2: How can I properly register my fonts in the system/skin?
<Alver> I would use unicode for everything, then make sure the songs have proper unicode tags. Encodings are a pain in the rectum, ideally you want everything on unicode and be done with it
<Alver> If you have everything on unicode but your tags are in something else - yeah, that's still going to be problematic
* Alver did that with a script, aeons ago, to loop over all 20K-something files and re-do the encoding
<colo> "Unicode" isn't an encoding, though. sure, you do want Unicode if you need multi-lingual support, but I think you'll want to encode everything in UTF-8 in particular. filenames, textual content, and embedded metadata. I am not aware of a "one size fits all"-solution to the problem space, but would be very eager to learn about it, if it exists :)
<colo> (having the fonts installed to render the Unicode codepoints to their human-readable glyphs/clusters is another matter, and somewhat orthogonal to the encoding problem)
<vir0id> My playlist file does not work in different encodings. How can I convert the LE system to utf-8 if this encoding cannot be selected in the gui settings. As far as I understand, windows cyrillic has windows encoding - 1251
<colo> the playlist file will have to reference filenames by the exact byte seuqence as they are stored in the fs metadata. so any kind of unicode encoding (and especially normalization) can probably break playback of certain files that are "improperly" named (violating some UTF-8/Unicode encoding intricacies)
<vir0id> Does this mean that my playlist was created incorrectly? Is that what you mean?
<colo> what kind of playlist (file) are you dealing with, how did you create it, and what exactly does not work?
<colo> (disclaimer: I am not very familiar with kodi in particular :))
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> have you tried changing the host locale from posix to the cyrillic one?
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> this is done using the locale add-on in the LE add-on repo
<vir0id> yes I did it
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Can you share a Kodi debug log that shows errors/problems playing files?
<vir0id> This?
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> banned addons installed .. удачи!
<oblikoamorale> lol. they are already gone. anyways whatever they uploaded on google drive didn't look like any kind of playlist, although text file encoding is indeed cp1251
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> I was going to say “твой проблем не наша проблем ;)” .. but okay
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> I can’t see status from Slack
<oblikoamorale> it's just funny that the problem is being solved from the other end of XY. rather than shoveling kodi to work with cp1251, they'd better convert their metadata to utf-8
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<vir0id> Does anyone know how to make Kodi display thumbnails of video files (made from a smartphone) in the media library?
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