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<yang> Hello, I have a working LE OS on a RPI 4. I have later inserted the nVME drive, do I need to do something, like format it from LE and where do I do that?
<yang> this is the SD output, i am not sure if the disk is recognised /dev/sda ; /dev/sdb is USB key
<oblikoamorale> showing complete dmesg woul've been more helpful. anyways nvme should have /dev/nvme-something device
<yang> nothing in nvme
<oblikoamorale> i wonder how did you manage to stick nvme disk in rpi4
<yang> I have the Argon M2 SSD chasis
<yang> it's in tehre
<oblikoamorale> they claim m2 sata compatibility, not nvme
<yang> hmmm, the drive seemed to fit in
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<oblikoamorale> what drive is it?
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<yang> i did need to force it a bit in
<yang> samsung
<yang> nvme drive
<oblikoamorale> welp i'm pretty sure you can't use nvme drive with m2 sata interface
<oblikoamorale> this page is rather useless without listing actual specs...
<yang> yea
<yang> the drive did fit in
<yang> but i had to force it
<oblikoamorale> I think you'd better take this to #raspberrypi
<yang> ok, I'll ask there
<yang> they wrote it's recognised as "sda"
<yang> is there something like "fdisk" to check it?
<yang> from the cli
<oblikoamorale> what's sdb then?
<oblikoamorale> ah, it's usb. k
<oblikoamorale> yeah, you should partition the disk with fdisk/cfdisk/sgdisk etc and format it with your fs of choice (ext4 probably)
<oblikoamorale> I do wonder why there is no info about sdb disk at at all. at the very least i'd expect to see it's recognized size
<oblikoamorale> s/sdb/sda/
<yang> yes
<yang> but where do I format it? In LE/KODI on TV ?
<yang> the CLI doesnt have these tools
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<oblikoamorale> install appropriate binary package to manage ext4: e2fsprogs. fdisk should already be there I think
<oblikoamorale> I'd do this in cli, not sure about gui possibilities in this area
<yang> could you point me to the manual about the package managing/installer for CLI?
<Alver> You'll be quicker booting from a different USB stick with a live debian, methinks
<oblikoamorale> you install e2fsprgs from the gui
<yang> ok
<oblikoamorale> after that mkfs.ext4 cli will be available
<oblikoamorale> dont' forget the default ext4 reserved block count (5%) which may waste more space that you'd like
<oblikoamorale> I'll shut up since we're steering well off the channel topic again
<yang> oblikoamorale: it has program "parted"
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<oblikoamorale> yeah. there's sgdisk as well. and I just checked that least LE11 already has mkfs.ext4 in stock
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<mack> The argon one case is just USB. It has a little USB "U" that plugs into the USB of the Pi.
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<mack> I have one booting raspbian.
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