ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<oblikoamorale> kodi 20.3 released a few days ago, is 11.5 in sights? I read somewhere about 11.4 aimed to be last in 11 line, on the other hand I see new commit on 11 branch
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> olblikoamorale:
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> oblikoamorale:
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> the original expectation was that Kodi would not release 20.3 so we shipped 11.0.4
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> but then someone figured out how to deal with Android playstore issues and 20.3 was done
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> 11.0.5 is under minor test but will probably appear on servers over the weekend
<oblikoamorale> yup, saw the new tag right after asking the question, doing git fetch :)
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<DruidMonroe> colo: I'm coming back to that Go nfs implementation and I'm not entirely sure what you were driving at. Did you mean that I should be building with `go build` on another machine and running it on the LE box?
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<colo> DruidMonroe: yeah, that is what I meant, basically.
<DruidMonroe> I wonder if I can't do the same with a python script. Found a few that are a little more complete
<DruidMonroe> oh apparently I can
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