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<Alver> Hi. I have an issue where libreelec fails to connect to wifi automatically at boot. The only way I have for now, is to deactivate network, reboot, then manually reactivate it.
<Alver> ... which is far from the intention, obviously. Where could I find system logs about this?
<Alver> I know where to find the kodi log, but this happens before that
<oblikoamorale> the question probably lacks a few important details: type of wi-fi card, LE version, and system (connman) logs
<Alver> Found journalctl (shudder). Lots of pcieport 0000:00:1c.4: AER: Corrected error received: 0000:00:1c.4
<Alver> Added pci=nommconf to syslinux.cfg. Let's see...
<Alver> Okay, that seems to have removed the spam.
<Alver> But what on earth
<Alver> Jan 15 08:34:57 LibreELEC iwd[413]: Error bringing interface 5 up: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
<Alver> kernel: traps: iwd[766] general protection fault ip:49d8d7 sp:7fffd74ed7a8 error:0 in iwd[400000+121000]
<Alver> Grmbl.
<oblikoamorale> ah, some intel crap? ;p
<Alver> Right, iwd segfaulting would be an issue
<Alver> Odd that it does work when I reboot without it active, and do it manually
* Alver hopes the hardware is okay
<oblikoamorale> tried LE master?
<oblikoamorale> LE12 release is not far ahead
<Alver> I used to be on 12 nightlies, but reinstalled clean 11.0.4 - massive playback issues
<oblikoamorale> what platform are you on?
<Alver> Generic (zotac)
<Alver> Hoping I can get wire network back soon. Wifi is a pain.
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<oblikoamorale> hmm, interesting. personally got absolutely no playback issues on recent-ish intel cpu, up to 4k@60Hz on LE11...
<oblikoamorale> on the other hand I don't use HDMI passthrough and such, perhaps this could spice things up
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<Alver> oblikoamorale: I suspect it was due to having ported forward a very very old config with many many custom hacks since the 10.x days, didn't think too much of it.
<Alver> A fresh reinstall takes not that much time so I went with stable, and 11 plays everything as it should. But now the network failing is a major pain.
<Alver> It also only started two days ago or so. Very odd.
<Alver> oblikoamorale: how far ahead would 12 be, give or take? Days, weeks, months?
<oblikoamorale> not earlier than Kodi 21 gets released (it's currently in final beta or so). maybe late winter - early spring?
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<Alver> Aha, good to know.
<Alver> I'll try fiddling with some pci options. Doesn't look good though.
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<Alver> I do wonder why there is iwd and not wpa_supplicant. Libreelec design choice?
<Alver> Mmh, seems so.
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> LE12 official beta is waiting for Kodi 21 RC1
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> some items snuck into the K21 beta’s that have had consequences and we’d like the dust to settle (RC) first
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> that said, the rest of the OS is solid so I’d expect a single LE beta before full release
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> Kodi DevCon is mid-late March so I’d expect K21 to be released before then
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> there’s no specific scheduling with that aim, but that’s historically been a soft-goal
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> shipping before then provides an excuse for celebratory beers (not that we need many excuses)
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> most of the ‘consequences’ items are dealt with now so LE12 nightlies are stable for use
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> (i’ve been running them for the last 8-months without issues)
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> anything with an Intel CPU needs to be running a current nightly before any issue reports can be taken seriously
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<twnqx> hm. i made LE install do an SSD, and now i am stuck at the libreelec splash...
<twnqx> is it a bad idea to use a USB that was converted to a live LE to install LE later?
<twnqx> cd /mnt/data
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<mack> I've always just used dd to write a LE image to disk and booted. Then let it resize the partition, etc.
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<twnqx> ok, this is getting weirder
<twnqx> the box worked for a week or so when booted from the USB stick
<twnqx> but now that it's supposed to boot from a SATA SSD, it does not - unless i replace the amp+projector with a monitor
<twnqx> hmmm i can ssh into it, it just does not display anything :/
<twnqx> oh no pleasenot that bug again...
<twnqx> can i somehow fix a video mode for boot?
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<twnqx> it's 12 years since i last fixed this bug... sigh
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<twnqx> now to figure out why it boots in interlaced mode from ssd, but in progressive mode from usb
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<twnqx> ok, not really getting anywhere. it's the same source of bug i faced 12 years ago - mainboard booting up in interlaced mode, linux being unable to handle it.
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<twnqx> back then i fixed the intel driver to be able to turn it off. today it's different: the DRM code can't handle the interlaced mode, and without grub, i don't know how to make libreelec switch video modes before starting kodi...
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