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<DruidMonroe> hmf. That go project doesn't build. Gonna leave this I think, openelec has nfs support built in
<DruidMonroe> or omsc rather
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<mack> DruidMonroe: you could always set up one of the nfs server docker containers.
<mack> (probably)
<DruidMonroe> can't do docker on this machine, it doesn't have the memory
<DruidMonroe> it's a middle-aged laptop that I stole half the memory out of
<DruidMonroe> I say middle-aged, more like 2008
<mack> docker containers aren't VMs, they have very little or no RAM overhead.
<DruidMonroe> hmf. I did try it, soon as I launched the container ssh crashed
<DruidMonroe> unless I'm sopposed to be doing it from another addon
<DruidMonroe> also I hate containers, in general. I tend to avoid appimage, docker, snap, etc etc etc
<mack> you installed the docker addon from the LE repo, then opened ssh to say, docker pull, and ssh crashed?
<DruidMonroe> close, I got through the pull. It was docekr container start
<DruidMonroe> I did try it a second time and managed to get a second v e r y s l o w ssh session running, and it did show me the container running, but I couldn't make it do the thing with the thing. That session crashed after a while anwyay
<mack> if you want to continue down that path, I would try again and examine debug logs.
<mack> the could very well be a memory issue :)
<DruidMonroe> Far too much effort tbh. Also I don't see how, the overhead of running an nfs server should be far less than, say, decoding h265
<DruidMonroe> actually scratch that, I don't think decoding takes up that much memory
<DruidMonroe> still, samba alone ingesting a large file over network, surely that is a greater overhead than just running an nfd daemon
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<DruidMonroe> eh, I think I'm done fucking with it, time for arch or debian or something. Thanks for the ideas anyway
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<mack> yeah, I frequently tell people wanting to run LE as an all-purpose distro to pick the right tool for the job. LE is a media player.
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