ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<DruidMonroe> Hi, I'm on the hunt for an NFS implementation that doesn't use docker. I'm having trouble finding anything other than a six-year-old fork, I don't suppose anyone here knows where to point me?
<DruidMonroe> uh, should clarify, nfs on Libreelec, not nfs in general
<colo> DruidMonroe: you mean an nfsd implementation that you can run on your LE host?
<DruidMonroe> colo: yes. SMB is giving me a headache and I want to move away from it anyway
<colo> I guess should do?
<DruidMonroe> oh that could work. Does Libreelec require any golang packages for it?
<colo> once you have an executable for your arch, that should be enough
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