ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<sopparus> anyone knows if OSMC remote works for libreelec?
<sopparus> that one
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<efsenable> hi
<efsenable> can we discuss CoreELEC here ?
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<vpeter> no, use correct forum
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<efsenable> ok tnx
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> @sopparus it should work
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> it acts as a USB keyboard/hid device so no magic required
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<rdo> I see error <general>: CCurlFile::Stat - <> Failed: Couldn't connect to server(7) in kodi.log
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> tx for pointer, i see the problem, should be fixed soon
<f_> LibreELEC has a slack channel?
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> @rdo works again, time to move it to a other host to fix that problem instead of workaround
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<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> @rdo btw 11,80.3 is not at the addons anymore, pls update your image to latest nightly
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<rdo> Many thanks. I upgraded to "LibreELEC (community): nightly-20231221-581a2fe (AMLGX.aarch64)", but it still searches for
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<rdo> I found it, get 11.80.5 now.
<rdo> But it seem that inputstreamadaptive does now work properly on the Wetek Play 2. If I scroll back in the 2h time buffer of e.g. the ZDF stream, the video stream is broken.
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