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<Leolo_2> 2 questions : is there a risk when upgrading from 10.4 to 11.x ?
<Leolo_2> also, the and plugins aren't working. It says to check the logs. the event log has nothing relevant. can I see other logs if I connect via ssh?
<chewitt> Leolo_2 not a large risk, but never zero
<chewitt> the OS itself is very low risk on most hardware
<chewitt> add-ons are the thing most likely to be impacted
<chewitt> re more logs .. no idea, some add-ons log to themselves, others dump all to kodi.log
<chewitt> (and not being in canada, i'm not familiar with those add-ons)
<chewitt> desolé
<chewitt> (spelled badly too)
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<Leolo_2> no, you spelled it correctly. Assuming you are of the male persuation
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<minimal> what if no-one persuaded them about anything? ;-)
<f_> chewitt: Il me semble que c'est "désolé".. mais qui fait attention aux accents? :P
<chewitt> je fais normalement attention aux détails
<f_> On dirait que toi aussi, tu parles français? (or did you use google translate?)
* oblikoamorale blinks
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<chewitt> c'est une longtemps quand je utilisé le français
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<f_> TBH I usually prefer English over French :P
<chewitt> je parler mauvais c'ette jours
<f_> ok :)
<chewitt> mon russe est meilleur que mon français
<f_> Combien de langues parles-tu?
<chewitt> three to a moderate level .. five or six that I can navigate cities/taxies and order food/beer in
<f_> Nice
<f_> English is nice IMO
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<f_> But wouldn't you know it, my English was trash a long time ago.
<chewitt> the more 'other' languages I learn bits of, the more I appreciate how English is a real mess of bits of other languages :)
<f_> oh French also makes use of english words
<chewitt> (we're an island, we go invaded lots over time)
<chewitt> s/go/got
<f_> chewitt: british?
<chewitt> me, yes
<f_> Cool.
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<mack> Some people say English is just French spoken by a 14th century Dutchman.
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<minimal> which English? American English? Indian English? Australian English?
<mack> (over simplification, for humorous effect)
<minimal> which French? Belgium French? Canadian French? ;-)
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<minimal> Scottish English? "11" :-)
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<f_> :>
<Leolo_2> Canadian French = best French
<Leolo_2> anyway, I see a lot of print() calls in's .py. These should end up in kodi.log or ?
<Leolo_2> yes, it seems
<Leolo_2> and the error message is Error Contents: HTTP Error 426: Upgrade Required
<chewitt> bonne chance :)
<chewitt> anything involving addons is best resolved in the kodi forum support thread for the add-on
<Leolo_2> forum :(
<chewitt> the add-on dev(s) are normally the only people who understand that particular add-on and the service it's talking to
<Leolo_2> but yeah, I was asking here for help to find the log file. Which you did, indirectly
<chewitt> all LE does is package whatever they publish into a consumable form
<chewitt> have a look in the add-on settings in the GUI for a debug/log enable feature
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<Leolo_2> chewitt - I found nothing useful. But I've now found kodi.log which is useful
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