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<kurtgz> Hello. What's the most powerfull and taking full advantage of libreelec/kodi board worth to buy? Is it rpi 5, or some other brand?
<kurtgz> too much time passed since I've been planning to migrate from nv shield to something open-source and looking currently for options
<kurtgz> I know I'm limited with DV because of their licensing model, but normal HDR will do just fine for me
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<f_> LEBot??
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<f_> wb LEBot
<f_> kurtgz: I'd say use whatever works well.
<f_> You don't necessarily need the "most powerful" board out there.
<f_> It all depends on what you'd expect and what you wish to do with the board.
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> RPi5 is really good and works ootb pretty fine, speed wise its basically X86_64 level
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> just get a proper fast SD card like a sandisk extreme pro and you won't get slowdowns while scrolling etc
<kurtgz> that's great to hear
<kurtgz> well, basically I will play lots of hdr remux files, but I think even now "old" rpi4 can handle that…
<kurtgz> but I will also need to think about a way to "move" my streaming apps
<kurtgz> not sure how it's done on anything else than android - on libreelec do you use lightweight wayland environment and watch it through chromium for example?
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> i mesured RPi5 against Intel N100 using LE and the feeling is nearly the same, but there is still a real difference about 20-30% in CPU power
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> 4k HDR remux with PT TrueHD Atmos plays flawless on 4 and 5 with LE11
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> RPi5 feels like a Intel box and is much faster in menu, skipping etc. as the RPi4
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> i mesured RPi5 against Intel N100 using LE and the feeling is nearly the same, but there is still a real difference about 15-30% in CPU power
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> 4k HDR remux with PT TrueHD Atmos plays flawless on 4 and 5 with LE11
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> RPi5 feels like a Intel box and is much faster in menu, skipping etc. as the RPi4
<kurtgz> whoops, seems like LEBot is double-pasting messages from slack
<kurtgz> sky42: thanks!
<kurtgz> oh, there are addons for kodi specifically for streaming platforms, didn't see that
<kurtgz> okay, so I'd guess 4GB version is plenty for libreelec, or should I go with 8GB? price wise is not so dramatically different, just asking
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<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> i use 4GB and my RPi4 has 2GB and that is fine too
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> and one an by fanless cases too GeekPi and GeekWord i found so far that you can already buy
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> and one can by fanless cases too GeekPi and GeekWord i found so far that you can already buy
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> and one can by fanless cases too GeekPi and GeekWorm i found so far that you can already buy
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> there might (in terms of possible, not planed) be a browser support at kodi/LE for RPi some day, depending how much you want to do there 4gb is the min you should buy
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> 10 eros for 1st testing RPi5 with passiv colling
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> 10 euros for 1st testing RPi5 with passiv colling
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> I use the RPi5 since some time completl without any cooling in a drawer, works without problems
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> should i say i 1st overclocked it to 2900 and it works perfect
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<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> playing 1080p H264 BD remux that is software decoded it was going up to 63.4 C
<LEBot> [slack] <CvH> yea with proper passiv cooling you can overclock a lot
<kurtgz> hmm, I have rpi4 and I use copper radiators + tiny noctua fan on it, just in case… it mainly just runs pi-hole, but sometimes starting up docker/podman can make CPU temps spike above values I'm normally not worried about
<kurtgz> so I will probably apply some similar solution for the rpi5 :)
<kurtgz> CvH: thanks, so 8GB it is then
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> i do lots of compiling and building podman container on my RPi4 in a Argon One V2 and have no problems with passive cooling
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> building my live linux to boot on RPi4 takes 34min
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> did not yet buils LE, that would take many hours
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> did not yet build LE, that would take many hours
<LEBot> [slack] <sky42> i disabled the fan im my Argon One V2
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> I’m with @CvH in not using any case or cooling.. RPi5 in a media cabinet. Also using a 5V/3A PSU from RPi4 .. but I don’t have anything connected to the board. All media is on a NAS in the network.
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