ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<colo> - how can I find out more about what is wrong with the file I am trying to play back?
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<Wonka> colo: have you tried using mpv or vlc to play that fule?
<Wonka> file
<colo> Wonka: works from that URL in Firefox
<colo> (from a device in the same LAN)
<colo> I can download the file on the kodi host, too
<colo> and other videos served by the same http server do work
<Wonka> "enable debug logging" might help
<colo> thanks, will look into that
<Wonka> other than that, I don't know much about kodi's video decoding myself
<f_estive> Happy new year!
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<yang> Happy GNU year !
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