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<sopparus> i saw there was rpi5 builds for le11
<sopparus> now i cant find them
<sopparus> anyone knows?:)
<sopparus> found it
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<rdo> I just saw that the libreelec 12 test images changed from arm to aarch64 a few days back (rock64, amlogic/box). Just curious: Should I expect that something improves with that? Should updates work or is a reinstallation required?
<chewitt> You should be able to upgrade/crossgrade from arm > aarch64 images
<chewitt> In theory something is better, but I wouldn't expect anything to be noticeable
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<rdo> Thanks, upgrade worked well on a Wetek Play 2. I had the impression that moving within a video stream is much more stable now (but very few datapoints, I easily could be wrong).
<rdo> Installation of rock64 did not go well, but I try to do a rerun.
<rdo> It seems that the storage partition cannot be mounted after initial resizing.
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<rdo> If I try to mount the storage partition on my Debian system I get a "can't read superblock on /dev/sdc2." error message.
<rdo> Let me try another sd card
<rdo> With another SD card after the nighly message on the console, the HDMI output seems to die on LibreELEC-RK3328.aarch64-12.0-nightly-20231219-865d980-rock64.img.gz
<rdo> The 4k screen does not find a valid input signal anymore.
<rdo> It seem the rock64 images are somehow broken.
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