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<sewn> has anyone managed to port xdg-utils to kiss
<sad_plan> not me, but someone has
<sad_plan> mkiss has it in the repo, and eudalgr/kiss-lxqt has it
<sad_plan> eudaldgr i mean
<sewn> both of these repositories are dead
<sad_plan> so? just bump it
<sewn> i think ive tried before but i couldnt get anywhere
<sad_plan> I see. is xdg-utils horrendous to port?
<sewn> i cant really open up the archives to say
<sewn> sad_plan: > it needs a bunch of depends which i have trouble building, bash, xml{to,lib2}, docbook, perl and all that stuff
<sewn> i find that concerning, since the scripts themselves are in POSIX sh i presume
<sewn> are these deps even in kiss anyway
<sad_plan> apkbuild doesnt list bash at all. build seems rather straight forward if you ask me.
<sad_plan> in the apkbuild file, xmlto is the only one im not familiar with. everyone else should build just fine. even on my bs system
<sewn> is xmlto in repos
<sad_plan> yes
<sewn> i dont see libxml2 being there
<sewn> well in repos i mean
<sad_plan> same repos is before
<sad_plan> libxml2 is in community
<sewn> sad_plan how much can i pay you to just try to build it
<sad_plan> lol, cant you just build it yourself? shouldnt be that hard
<sewn> im not on kiss
<sewn> but i jus want to know if i *can* if i were
<sad_plan> it builds on alpine, so I dont see why not.
<sad_plan> xmlto complains about getopt. xdg-utils complained about docbook. why do you even need it?
<sewn> its xdg utilities
<sewn> i need it for my Modern Linux Desktop
<sad_plan> why specifically do you need it? I too have a modern linux machine, but I dont need it
<sewn> because i have a modern browser with 'application' launching capabilities
<sewn> i need it in alot of cases for opening files
<sewn> its like a plumber dare i say
<sewn> but actually standard
<sewn> sad_plan: weird, docbook isnt in the apkbuild